Venus Conjuncts Uranus

When loving, seductive Venus is matched with spontaneous, free-spirited Uranus there's drama, passion and wildness afoot. Do you have Venus/Uranus aspects in your birthchart? Understanding this powerful ... read more

Full Moon In Leo

The full moon offers you the opportunity to anchor the moon's energy and use it manifest your dreams and goals in this tangible world we live in. And, it's the time to appreciate what you've accomplished ... read more

Retrograde Planets

Do you have retrograde planets in your natal chart? Have you been told that this means that the area of your life the planet represents is unlucky or dysfunctional? Before you decide that you'll never be ... read more

Draw Love to You

Venus is in Aquarius - get ready to have some fun. Love is about being purely in the present, receiving from another only to turn and give again in the beautiful dance of life. And with Venus in Aquarius, ... read more

New Moon in Sagittarius

It could be argued that there is no better opener than a Sagittarius New Moon. It's the perfect energy to set the stag. The Moon in Sagittarius signifies that all of us will be inspired to reach for the ... read more

Full Moon in Gemini

The Full Moon is a time to review the results of our efforts and celebrate. This month, we find ourselves in airy Gemini, a sign concerned with communication, and mental stimulation. Gemini, who is also a ... read more

All About the Archer

Sagittarians entice some and confound others; you're unbelievably sexy and stunningly elusive. Your active mind, mischievousness and tempting flirtatiousness make you hard to resist. Enthusiastic, fun and ... read more
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