May 21 · Jun 21
The third sign of the zodiac is Gemini, the twins. They thrive on learning everything they can, using that information to connect with the world.
Your Daily Horoscopes
January 20, 2025
Today’s Gemini Tips:
A problem involving money or possessions can spark anger and prompt a hostile move as aggressive Mars in your house of assets collides with entitled Eris in your community zone. You might lash out if you're treated unfairly or denied access to an opportunity. With this volatile vibe in play, your actions can have unintended consequences. Rushing in blindly could put an important relationship at risk. Press pause on taking action while you get the facts and figures straight. With the sun at odds with responsible Saturn in your public sector, behaving badly could put your reputation at risk. Reach out to your favorite Money Psychic, pronto! Their insight can be enlightening.
More Gemini Horoscopes:
Discover how you and your partner are in sync with Zodiac Compatibility
All About Gemini
Mercury rules the company of both Gemini and Virgo, offering insight to their communication, curiosity, and to some extent, intelligence. Your abilities to manage these gifts diminishes once you enter into a Mercury retrograde, which occurs three to four times a year for three weeks at a time. This leaves you open to more misunderstandings, mistakes, and new project mayhem. By focusing on more planning and less action however, you will see yourself through.
Read moreAids manifestations
Attracts luck, strength, and love
Keeps you grounded
- 1,
- 10,
- 18,
- 35,
- Teacher
- Interpreter
- Public Relations
- Project Manager
- Communications Specialist
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- Octavia Spencer
- Zoë Saldana
- Sir Ian McKellen
- Anderson Cooper
- Bill Hader
- Chris Evans