The Year Ahead
There is a laser focused on financial affairs, prosperity, and personal values this year as a stellium of planets transit your solar second house. Jupiter, the Great Benefic, expands and grows everything he touches and this year he is touching your wallet and net worth. Be on the lookout for financial opportunities and investments. Once you do your due diligence and everything checks out, then jump on board.
Long term investments are encouraged, and you become more interested in security and financial stability than ever before. With Saturn, the Great Teacher, a part of this stellium, you will have to work hard and make wise choices in order for your assets and prosperity to increase, but you are totally capable of doing so. Nothing is going to be handed to you until you prove you’re mature and responsible enough to handle it well, but once you’ve proven yourself, you will be delighted with how your financial well-being increases. Be wise and cautious as you make business and financial decisions; do not overspend, take foolish risks, or create exorbitant debt. Otherwise this is a transit designed to help you recognize your worth, manifest prosperity and success, and help you achieve your goals.
This year the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your connection with your partner are:
Feb 8 – Mar 6
Venus moves into Aries and lights up love, romance, and fun in your chart. While this transit may not portend long term commitment, it does indicate spontaneous attraction and fun times. Venus in Aries is bold and outgoing, so your sparkle is extremely attractive. Have a good time and know you don’t have to make any long-term decisions right now. Let laughter and fun lead the way.
Apr 4 – Aug 7
Venus enters Gemini and activates marriage, partnership, and commitment. There is a light and lovely feeling with this transit, and it becomes easier to connect with your partner, or to attract a partner via the words you use. Intelligence and communication are highlighted, so if you need to polish up your online profiles, this is the time to do so.
Sept 7 – Oct 3
Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and romance is in Libra and activates friendship and social engagements in your chart. There is no better time than now to get out into the world, connect with friends and groups near and dear to your heart, and to make a space to meet someone with whom you have a great deal in common. If you are partnered, then choose social engagements you both enjoy and let that bring you even closer together.
Dec 16 – Jan 9/20
Venus moves into your own sign of Sagittarius and highlights your self-confidence, self-esteem, personal power, and attractiveness. Adventure is your middle name during this transit and that’s how you are most likely to meet a partner. Take that trip you’ve been dreaming about, explore those new venues on your “to-do” list. If you’re partnered, know that fun and travel will bring you closer together.
As mentioned above, this entire year is focused on your finances and personal wealth. Give some thought to what really matters to you, what lights your heart up and excites you, what makes you want to jump out of bed and leap into the day, and then consider pursuing that as your work. When we love what we do, we become money magnets and prosperity will chase us. If the work we do deadens us, then over time everything begins to wither, and that includes our finances. So this is the year to bring your awareness and consciousness to bear directly on your financial affairs. everything you need in order to succeed and thrive is lining up on your behalf; however, you must do your part and that includes some legwork and research. There is great power in following what brings you genuine joy. Have the courage to explore possibilities and make the changes that nourish your Soul.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
Generosity and compassion light the way for you spiritually this year. Find a cause or an organization that you believe in and volunteer your time and money and watch how that flows back to you as love, inspiration, and gratitude. It’s easy to forget how much of a positive difference we can make in the lives of others because we become so focused on our own lives. By nurturing the lives of others and giving of ourselves, we begin to see the world as one interconnected circle, and we come to recognize our place in it. Kindness is never wasted, and sometimes it literally saves lives.
Making the Best of 2020
A reading with a Money Psychic can help you make wise decisions as financial opportunities and invitations come your way this year. The more informed you are, the better outcome you’ll have.
Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.
Find an astrology psychic or learn more about astrology readings.
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