DreamCast: The Vampire’s Choice

I recently had a dream that a vampire wanted to bite me so that I could become a vampire, but I was scared, and did not know whether I should allow myself to be bitten or not. What does that mean?


— Crystal in Rolling Meadows, Illinois

Hello Crystal,

Vampires have certainly produced a whole new level of fascination because of the recent media and entertainment blitz. They’re still sexy and mysterious these days — but more accessible. They sometimes have a heart of gold, too. What is your feeling about vampires? This could symbolize a fascination with bad boys and misunderstood men, or it could be a warning about someone coming into your life who will sap your energy. He might be emotionally needy, negative, or in need of healing (as in alcoholism or drug addiction). Maybe you have a desire to explore the darker side of life by analyzing the behavior of troubled people, much as a psychologist or an astrologer would do. Just be sure to search your heart to see whether the choices you’re about to make in your life are truly in your best interests.

Sweet dreams,

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