Your Daily Focus: January 4 – 10

Daily Focus Jan. 4-10 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

Hello again fellow seekers! I hope that you are all feeling a bit rested now that the holiday craziness is past and that you are beginning to focus on the month ahead. January was named for Janus, the god of beginnings, doorways, portals, and transitions in Roman mythology. Such a fitting god for a month that ushers in a new year and a time that many of us try to transition from our past selves into who we want to become.

This week’s Daily Focus offers inspiration for a better tomorrow. Resolutions can only do so much, after all; at some point we need to put things into action.

January 4

“After the holidays are over, you may want to look at setting your goals for the coming year rather than just setting a resolution.” Catherine Pulsifer

So, is there really a difference between setting a goal and making a resolution? There is, and oddly enough we need both if we are going to be successful in making changes in ourselves and our lives. Resolutions are important as they are what gets our excitement and focus going, but without a clear-cut plan and direction, that resolution won’t get us far. Get your enthusiasm up and then plan your path to success! Today’s word is Intention.

January 5

“You are now at a crossroads. Forget your past. Who are you now? Who have you decided to become?” Anthony Robbins

Whenever we find ourselves at a fork in our proverbial roads it is a good idea to do a quick review of who we were, who we are, and who we are trying to become. What are your answers to those questions? Are you satisfied with the answers and if not, what can you change so that you can feel happy with the path you choose to take next? Today’s word is Familiarize.

January 6

“No river can return to its source, yet all rivers must have a beginning.” Native American Proverb

We can’t go backwards, even when we desire the comfort and familiarity of our pasts. There is nothing wrong with looking backwards to remember where we came from, how we have grown, and to remind us why we are embracing new beginnings, as long as looking back doesn’t trap us. Today’s word is Current.

January 7

“Your life is your canvas, and you are the masterpiece.” Kerli

What do you want to put on the blank canvas that sits before you? The options can be both exciting and overwhelming. One thing that can hold us back is the fear of making the wrong choice. But guess what? If you decide that you don’t like the picture that is forming, you can always paint over it and start again. Re-inventing yourself is sometimes part of creating the final masterpiece that is you. So, go on and start creating. Today’s word is Portrait.

January 8

“A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you’re in and take advantage of it.” Nikki Giovanni

Change isn’t easy, even when it is something that we want. When it isn’t what we had planned, the temptation to resist the lessons and try to ignore the journey can be so strong. We sometimes continue to cling to our past selves even when who we were no longer serves us and causes us pain. The butterfly doesn’t dwell on the fact that they were once a caterpillar, it simply revels in its new-found wings and soars. Let 2020 be the year that you revel in learning who you are and let your own wings lift you higher and higher. Today’s word is Embrace.

January 9

“Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” Cavett Robert

Making resolutions is easy but following through for the long term can be quite the challenge. This is why it is important that whatever changes and choices we make for our lives, we chose to do things that fill us with excitement and passion. There are too many aspects of our lives that we have no control over that we tolerate, even when the excitement is gone. So, if there are things that are within our control, we should always choose them, for they will always push us forward. Today’s word is Excitement.

January 10

“I’d rather chase the sun than wait for it.” ­-Markus Zusak

The best things come to those that wait, or so we are told, but there are times when we need to be pro-active when we want a change in our lives. This is the time to kick things up a notch and change what you want in life. Go ahead and chase the sun! Today’s word is Gusto!

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