Share Your New Year’s Resolution and Enter to Win a 10-Minute Reading

Share Your New Year’s Resolution, Enter to Win a 10-Minute Reading

Here’s an open question to our readers: What’s your New Year’s Resolution? What are you planning to do this year, either for yourself, the people around you, or the world? What’s the best way you can resolve to bring positivity into your own life and into the world?

We encourage your open commentary on the blog—we’re looking forward to your feedback, and a lively discussion with both readers and psychics!

One lucky winner who posts the most inspiring resolution will receive a free 10-minute reading—now’s your chance!*

The contest is going to be a frantic, fun experience—get ready to compete in real time to see who can come up with the most incredible experience, with psychics participating and assisting. The contest will end January 1 at 5 p.m PST… on your marks!

* 10-minute reading applies to calls that cost $3.50 – $4.00/minute. Stories containing specific names, legal or medical information, or pertaining to illegal activities, will not be posted. Psychics cannot enter to win. All content is owned by California Psychics. Names will be changed to protect the authors.

Exclusive offer: New customers can speak to a psychic for ONLY $1 per minute. Select your psychic advisor here.

What will you achieve in 2012? Get a psychic reading and learn what will arrive for you in the New Year! Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

51 thoughts on “Share Your New Year’s Resolution and Enter to Win a 10-Minute Reading

  1. chantal

    This year I’m going out of my way to make a child’s life a little brighter. Whether they are my children, my brother’s foster children, nieces, friends of my children, I will make our meeting extra special. Too many children are left to themselves and I want them to know I do care. Whether they notice the extra attention or not, that’s fine with me. I’ll know I did something more for them. My husband and children know about my 2012 resolution and we can’t wait to see all the fun things we can do with any child this year. Happy New Year everybody!

  2. Petronella Swanepoel

    We always make a bunch of new year’s resolutions and usually don’t stick to them once February is gone, hehe.
    So for this year, I am only making one resolution. – To be happier
    Because as far as I’m concerned, if you’re happy, you show it and it reflects back in everything you do, you’ll always want to keep doing things that keep you happy.
    Happiness to all this 2012!!

  3. Jean Anne

    Dear Psychics at California Psychics,
    My new year’s resolution this year is to let myself live, love and work out the sense I want to give to my life. I am setting up business and this is a whole lot of work. I teach English. This time, it has to go through. The registration done, the site set up, the customers prospected, the works…. the articles written and sent to the publishers. Just do it, girl. I will also be giving myself a chance as a woman once more. Love to you who always have a caring ear when I call. Jean Anne

  4. Suzi

    This year I am going to get rid of any self-limiting beliefs and love myself completely. Everyday I will feel what my perfect life feels like until it happens. That way I can love others more and hopefully it will pass on until it spreads and creates good in the world. Today I and a number of others, each gave £3 to buy a local homeless man a tent, it was posted on facebook and within a very short time there was enough money for the tent, blankets and socks. That’s how good and good feeling spreads.
    A Happy, Loving and Peaceful 2012 to all xxx

  5. elora

    My New Year resolution is to start to love myself. I’m in a point in my life that it feels like a dark fog has engulfed me. I can’t tell what way I’m ment to go. So I have decieded that by simply learning to love myself that everything will fall into place. Though I know this will be hard for me because like many I find it easier to love others then myself. However, by keeping in mind that I am beautiful daughter of God I can slowly start to see the beauty within. hope everyone has a beautiful New Year!

  6. Bryan Rawls

    My new years resolution for 2012 is to better understand my self and to begin to find the true and meaningful person that hiding underneath my skin, because underneath all this heartache and discouraging life I have been dealt. I know I can find the good, the happiness, the extreme beauty in my life one way or another all I have to do is Search Within and Find that beautiful soul that the angels and source placed upon this earth. Another Resolution would be to Find my true life purpose? In my heart I know I was sent here for a reason that matters, not only matters to me but matters to this world and the people that inhabit this battlefield we call Earth. I know deeply I was put here to shine, Shine Bright as Angel’s Auras. Never know I could be a Angel Incarnate! With Love to The Earth and Every Living Being Here Love you all Deeply. I will Find Me, and I will Find my purpose! ~Bryan Rawls

  7. Pat Spindler

    Instead of my resolutions being about me (lose weight, earn more money, get a new job,etc) my resolutions are going to be positive thoughts instead of negative. Such as:
    Ask to be used to help someone elses life.
    Work on raising your heart vibrations to benefit your loved ones, friends and strangers.
    Help others in need with money, helping accomplish something they need, make a meal.
    Smile at Everyone.
    In a drive-up window, pay for the person behind you.
    Doing these things and others, will not only help someone else, but will make you feel great.

    Here’s to a happy, healthy, helpful New Year!!!!

  8. cathy

    I am somewhat physically disabled, and retired. I am expecting my first grandchild in the spring, so my resolution is to work with my physiotherapist to become strong enough to hold and help care for this grandchild! I have waiting a long time for this joyous event, and want to enjoy every second of it! With hard work and assistance, I hope I will be able to be all the grandma I can be! I gave my working life to disabled children without a moment’s regret – now I want to enjoy my own child’s child!

  9. Portia Salifu

    Good Morning thanks for your wonderful massage, God richly bless you all for your wonderful work you people have been doing.

    For 2012, I resolve to get closer to God better than before. I want the Holy Spirit to fill me the power of understanding, courageous, faith, patience, boldness and above all self esteem.
    And also forgive others who have offended me and my self and also resolve to acknowledge the mistakes i have made in the past.
    IN JESUS NAME I am going dream the biggest dream i `ve ever dreamed and will live out the rest of my self. I am going to live longer, truthfully,peaceful ,and prosperously life and i will never give up ,because life is beautiful and is so good to be alive. In all without God is useless, so i ask God and the Holy Spirit to come and take absolutely control over everything in my life . I will also ask God to help me to feather my education or get better work to do for my self and also stringing my relationship i am with. IN JESUS NAME AMEN .

  10. Kay

    A resolution I have been putting off for a number of years and now needs to be dealt with is:healing the relationships with those closest to me,especially my father,whom I haven’t spoken to in nearly 10 years.
    I recently received a very unexpected sign that the time IS right to finally follow through on this.
    I will try to not take things personally or hold things in because every experience and person is chapter with a lesson in my life path.And I will learn to love & accept myself.

  11. Angel

    New Years Resolution always failed for me.Changes seem so temporary most of the time and it kept me very depressed and gave up on things that I really want to change. I find it very hard to ask for help to the psychics because I live in Asia, therefore I find it hard to call for help. Not to mention I am broke and unemployed.

    Lately, things started to pick up and change. Now I know that there is no backing out. My father just had stroke a few weeks ago and he was asked by the doctors to take a rest. Being the eldest in the family I feel that I couldn’t refuse to help my family now. Not like how I avoided that responsibility before.

    This time I am not gonna give up, God help me that I will be able to really stop sabotaging my life and stop thinking so selfishly. I know now that I am no victim, but have been making myself so for years because I did not have the courage to go after what I want, work hard for the things I need.

    2012 will be my year of starting to believe in myself. I know that I shouldn’t look down at myself so lowly because by continuing to do that I will not be helping anyone at all. I realized that I was so envious and angry at other people’s successes because I envy their persistence, determination and passion.

    This coming year I intend to help my family financially, emotionally and spiritually. My father has been my source of inspiration since I was a child. I want to be like him. I want to believe that I can help him. He is the most selfless person I know, that is why I want to be able to provide for him in his time of need.

    I know that I have a lot of dreams and plans for the future but it wouldn’t be so if I wouldn’t be able to help my family first. So, 2012 too will be a year to build up a strong foundation for myself that I wouldn’t break at the first sign of hardship.

    Also, 2012 will be a year to go out of myself and start asking for help when I need it. To learn trusting the universe will lead me to the people, to places that will help me grow to person that I need to be. Step by step, I will try to rebuild the dreams that I gave up on becuase I will believe in myself and the universe now.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my entry! Happy new year:)

  12. Cheryl

    In 2012 I resolve to be the person that I can be. I will treat my friends and family the same way I would like to be treated

    I will accept everyone for who they are and I will respect everyone for being both unique and being themselves.

    I will accept my short kings and learn from my mistakes to become an even better individual.

    I resolve to give to those who are less fortunate then me by donating my time to helping others and giving more when I am able to

  13. Najmul Najmi

    I resolve to be a rich person and then help those who are really in need but cannot say anything to anybody because of their family reputation and other things.

  14. chuck

    I will learn to love people as I want to be loved
    I will forgive myself for any guilt I have when I lost my wife of 33 years
    I will forgive others for there indiscretions

  15. Katt

    For 2012 I want to try and be a better person. I want to say no to more people and not be afraid of being disliked for standing up for myself. Also I want to stop being scared of going into places that can better who I am and help me get an education that I require to get the job of my dreams. I mostly I am going to stop selling my body. I will not allow myself to feel that I need to sell myself to take care of my child. I want to prove to him that I am able to stop and take care of us, myself and do it without lying on my back. Also in 2012 I am going to keep on volunteering my time and helping younger girls not make the mistakes I have made and I will keep being honest with people. My big goal for 2012 is not to sell my body to another man ever again for money.

  16. Isabella

    In 2012, I plan on accepting the simple things in life. Praying to God more as well as talking to him. Life is too short to worry about stuff that I can not change. I plan on changing my way of life by realizing that I can only be the one who has to listen to myself when trouble comes up. I need to look at the issues and solve them in my own mind before blowing off steam and causing more issues from it. As for my finances, I plan on my retirement package and do something about it. I plan on working to have a better year ahead.

  17. Barbara Hardy

    My number 1 resolution is to get my book completed and on the market for sale. Additionally, I plan to devote at lease two hours per day three days a week to promoting LOVE< PEACE and understanding by, between and among all persons. We are all God's children, All Americans, I hope to get this message inculcated upon all minds.

  18. Judy

    My resolution is all about me. More time to myself, travel to see friends I haven’t seen in years, my daily walk with God. I am widowed, 56 yrs old, have a sister who is mentally challenged living with me,(shes 53) and my son, daughter-in-law and grandson living with me. I have lost a daughter to Leaukemia, a son to brain cancer and my husband to renal cancer. I have taken care of so many people in my life, (and wouldnt change that for anything) but I think I deserve to have some me time now. I love my family dearly, couldnt make without them sometimes, but I need to have time to find answers and just deal with it all. I’ve always wanted to talk to a phycic, but have never had the extra funds to do so. I believe that God put these phycics here to help us. I would love to be chosen for a free reading. Thank you and God bless.

  19. ehnglo

    to help people physically, mentally, and emotionally across the world. apparently telling you how is not acceptable. silly psychics.

  20. sarah

    I have been told that I have the ability to be a pysicic or a medium. I get dreams that fortell the future and I get strong feelings to the answers to friends questions and they are right. I don`t know where I get the knowledge. I sometimes have to tell people about their health and I find out that I was right. When these feelings come, I get so anxious and excited at the same time and I feel so compelled to tell them. When something acutally appeared It scared me so much I stopped and closed my mind except when I get these feelings to talk to someone. This year I feel stronger and I am now ready to accept my gift anyway God wants me to recieve it. As long as it is for thier highest good. My new years resolution is to learn and open my heart to the light and help anyone God wants me to help. I will try to overcome my fear of this gift and learn how to trust more. I`m not sure if I am a medium or a pysicic. I really don`t want to see things, just help people that need direction and answers so they can move forward in life. I also have had a near death experience that happened about 25 years ago and still remember it like it was yesterday. I would really like conformation on the gifts that I may have so I can trust more and start to help more people.

  21. Mikey

    My resolution is to grow as a person of kindness. I want to speak out against the injustices I see in everyday life, a big one being bullying, harassment and discrimination. I see a lot of hate flowing in the lives of young people around me, and I want to do what I can to remind people that EVERYONE deserves love and respect.

    I made a promise to my mother on her deathbed that I would do what I could to help prevent adolescent suicides (since that is something that is occurring a lot in my home state). This resolution will allow me to keep that promise I made to her.

  22. Lori

    2012 is going to be my year! I am going to lose weight so that I feel like I look better. Thjis will help me to gain my self confidence back so that I can become the butterfly I am inside instead of staying wrapped up in my cocoon! I am hoping to find a job that I enjoy and that covers my expenses, I am hoping to be a better mom to my teenage son, a better daughter to my mom, a better sister to my sister, a better friend to my dear close friends, and just a better person in general. I have become a loner, a hermit, and have isolated myself too long. I am also SO hoping true love will find me again becuz I have a lot of love to give still! I will never stop loving my late husband, he will always be in my heart, and no one will ever replace him, that’d be impossible, but I want to feel loved and cherished and needed again by an honest, sincere, thoughtful,loving man, and I know my husband has been looking down on me very disappointed. 2012 is going to be my year!

  23. Susie

    Hello 2012! During 2011 I have been taking small steps towards changing my eating habits, slowly decreasing my meat and dairy and processed foods intake. And in doing so, hopefully lessening my footprint on Mother Earth. This year I’d like to learn and start to compost and I plan to purchase a community supported farm share during the summer. and I hope to go the rest of the way with my diet changes and go completely Vegan. I hope that with these changes my overall health (which is actually pretty good) and appearance will improve and be an inspiration for my family and friends and patients ( I work in a Sleep Lab) to also begin to make similar changes. I love educating people and would love to make a difference in the lives of those around me by teaching them the benefits to themselves and to the planet just by making small changes in their lifestyles. My finances have been slowly improving and I hope to take more steps to continue that trend, maybe by refinancing my mortgage to get free from Skank of america. I’m getting closer to retirement age and have been trying to think of what I want to do after retirement. So many choices and opportunities!!! Maybe teach hooping! ; )

  24. Marilyn

    For 2012 I resolve to work on myself more, to stop accepting less and playing small. I want to play bigger in my career/business as well as my personal life – but also giving more to others, particularly children in third world countries.
    I commit to eating healthier and working out more often, to be accountable, get my finances in place and travel more.

  25. Nikkita

    I resolve to forgive others for not being what I needed/wanted/expected of them.
    I resolve to forgive myself for not being what I needed/wanted/expected of myself.
    I resolve to accept that even what I view as mistakes are actually successes if I use them as teaching moments for my young son, myself, and others that I share my life with.
    I resolve to be grateful for what I have and even what I don’t have.
    I resolve to breathe deeply and think before I speak when upset or hurt.
    I resolve to love without expectation or exception. Everyone. Everyday. This is the only way that I can truly live my Faith.

  26. kendrah.

    my 2012 resolution is to be a better mother,person,& planning on becoming closer to god as far as praying,reading the bible and going to of my biggest problems is to smoking.the goal is to stop tht today or tomarrow. im also working on getting my license going tback to school and stack my paper…..

  27. Yolanda

    Good Afternoon,
    I had reading not to long ago. The psychic was wonderful I gave her my first name and birthdate nothing else. The psychic then ask for a few minutes and then she started the reading was fantastic . She was very detailed ,compassionate, understanding and foremost she made sure I understood everything and answered all my question . She also was fast straight to the point and sweet . She took the time to ensure I got all my questions answered . She was very helpful and talk me to look out of the box I am extremely grateful to her my situation was in dire need of answers and it help me so much. I want to Thank California Psychic for having such wonderful psychic at our reach. this from a very satisfied and grateful customer

  28. Christa

    I usually don’t keep on to my resolutions, but this year I did. Now I’m on to a much more important role. My son has just been diagnosed with Autism. I’m so confused, but learning. My goal not just this coming year, but always, is to use all the help and resources I can gather for my son to ensure his progress in his therapies. We live in a house that is littered with mold (we just discovered) and are desperately needing to find another place to live. Our landlords are not coming forth to do anything. I feel as though we are stuck in a rut financially, environmentally, mentally.

    Alas, We will overcome these ruts with good graces and come out on top with my beautiful son blossoming as he will!

  29. Renee Turner

    Today, I’m going to fully embrace my truth. Although, Im 52 years old, divorced, unemployed and home-less, I’m still blessed. My happiness is not based on possessions, but the intangibles. I’m going to be free in every aspect of my being. I choose to release myself from all the mistakes of the past and I will no longer live with regret. I am going to forgive and forget. I am going to live in the moment. I can do whatever I need to do to get back in the game of life. I am going to love unconditionally and commit myself to serving others. I’m going to dream the biggest dream I’ve ever dreamed and will live out the rest of my years fulfilling my purpose. I’m going to live truthfully, peacefully, and prosperously. I will never give up. Life is beautiful, and Its so good to be alive. I am so thankful. As we enter into a New Year, I am persuaded to believe that the rest of my life will be the best of my life. Someday when my name is called I intend to die empty.

  30. honey749

    Im really looking forward to 2012 I have my heart set on going back to school in the medical field .I know im not financially ready but I want stop trying.I feel thats my calling by god to help people I used to be a CNA but I had a baby and I havent work in a while I love helping people and talking to them so It would do me all the good to go back to school in 2012 I know thats my year to change my life and maybe give some one hope .

  31. Sharon

    I have been waiting for a while now and I need to go so I will just put my thoughts out there and be done. For 2012 I resolve to stop making excuses for not doing the things that I want to do. I need to get out of my own way and believe that I can make my dreams come true, that I am good enough and talented enough to make it happen. I believe in my head but that is not enough. You have to believe, you have to know it in your heart and soul. That is where the problem is for me.
    I have lived a lifetime of not being enough. Not pretty enough, not slim enough, not smart enough, not talented enough. I am enough of all these things. I just need to believe it in my soul. I had a wonderful guide say to me “Healer, heal thyself” Good advice. It may be panful but it is advice I will take. I am ready.

  32. Vicky

    I resolve to acknowledge the mistakes I have made in my past and file them in the past.
    I will forgive myself and remind myself I am worthy of happiness, contentment and success.
    My goal is to achieve a positive self image which I know will translate into a better life.

  33. Kay Hassing

    I resolve to get the most out my retirement years by smiling more, loving my family and friends even more than I do now and continue to explore my inner spirituality.

  34. Bridget Marshall

    I intend to stop worrying this year about people, places and things. I Intend to lose for good the 40 extra pounds I have carried around for the past couple years. I Intend to meet my soulmate this year because I have decided to put away the old and welcome in the New. A new attitude, a new healthy lifestyle, a new positive behaviour and a new man. This is the year of new beginnings for me.

  35. ralph ferrara

    I tend to make the same resolutions every year. Most of my goals have been achieved.

    There are two areas I want to concentrated on during 2012, money and love. I have made some progress with money in December, 2011.

  36. Marie

    My New Year’s Resolution is to take control of my life, be financially stable, get rid of all the things or even avoid people that’s always bringing all the negativities in my life. I had already loss 35lbs & hopefully be in better shape in the coming year and most of all be in a way better relationship with my kids & hopefully attract the real love in my life that’s not going to exhaust me & bring back all the negativities again in my life.

  37. Karen Quinn

    AHH my resolution, well it is finally time to move on my husband passed away almost 5 years ago and it is time to make my own memories by selling the family home. This is tough because of all the memories but I need new memories .
    I also work as a nurse at a Techincal HS so I vow to look beyond the gruffiness and attitude of the students to see that their is a good person underneath all that facade!! They are victims of their enviroment and just need someone to listen to and praise them.
    I want myu remaining days to be one of giving and listening and bringing a change in someones attitude.

  38. Julie

    My New Year’s Resolution is very simple. It is to send my mother a card with a poem about forgiveness regarding mother/daughter conflict with a message that I’m putting the past behind me and forgiving her.

  39. Barb

    I intend to take a new challenge every week to stretch myself. One week I plan to make small changes in my diet (drinking a lot more water/day). The next I plan to add journaling, and so on, so that I can add things in my life that make it fulfilling for me.

  40. Vanessa Jean Boisse

    I do not make any new resolutions for it seems that it is always broken even before a new year begins.
    What I should be doing is working towards been more out in the crowd, been able to not shy away from people of things that i keep promising myself to do. It would be great that with my ideas of crafting and selling would start. A promise to myself to let go of the past, not to be so angry, to let the hurt go.
    As for funding how it would be great to be able to not worry anymore, I wish for a house in the country so that I am able to accept the god given creatures that no body cares for.
    there could be a million things that I would love to change and do, but time will tell for planning is not always a great idea, My mantra “let things go and follow what you want”

  41. Dan

    I do not usually make resolutions for newyears, I think it is somewhat silly. If I have one, it is to prayerfully ask the question “why am I here?” and ask for guidance and for the will of the one to be done.

  42. Lizzie Mack

    I don’t usually do New Year’s resolutions. But, this year I’m unemployed after a horrible boss fired me, turning 60, few friends, and needing help! Resolving to become more positive and turning to asking ‘the Universe’ for help and getting involved in as many uplifting activities as I can. I have started volunteering with people who are less well-off than myself, already.

  43. julie

    I work with cancer patients, and give them 100% every day. I try to do the same in my relationships. I have been in a dead end relationshipw ith a man for 15 years. This year, I resolve to break free, an dod something to make myslef happy. by doing so, i will be able to be a better provider for my patients

  44. Brenda Miller

    1. Work on me, spiritually, physically, etc.
    2. Work on financial freedom
    3. Figure out where the hell my love life is going.

  45. jane

    Hi Physics,
    I am one person who refuses to make new year resolutions, or start a diet on mondays…. Very contrary Irish person. I love reading all your articles on your page, and some days would love to call, but no access to money to do so…. Ahhh this year I intend to start a job, painting walls for childrens creches etc, maybe then have some to play with, that is money!!! My life has been turning itself upside down since summer 2010, and seemingly will continue to do so, its been rough in places, and huge life changing things happening, so I am going with the flow, crying but trusting myself and the angels, and will be what I am meant to be at the end of it all, I actually began to hate the planet Uranus, aptly named I thought, but as time goes on, I realised, I needed to wake up, and live, so I have come to a place called peace with my planet ‘anus’ lol, so there we go, I guess that is my new years re- solution, keep living and trust the whole universe, and thank it for my life and all the best of what I have in it, take the rough with the smooth, and stand by the decisions I make, and live with the consequences of them, its gonna be a good 2012, and the future looks very exciting, glad I woke up to live!!! Thanks you guys, on the bad days, you cheer me up loads and give more hope, happy new year to ye all. God bless. xxx


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