My Reading With Michael

On paper, I had every reason to panic! It was my 35th birthday and for the last six months I would wake up in the middle of the night, my heart pounding in my chest, "Where is my husband? Where is our ... read more

The Dark Moon

The dark of the Moon, or "Dark Moon," evokes images of secret rituals and mysterious psychic energies. Indeed, it can be a time of great power. The Dark Moon occurs during the last three days of the lunar ... read more

Your Sacred Home

Your home is more than just an address - it's a breathing, living spiritual cove where you can choose to either create harmony or live in a state of unease. If you create a home that will comfort and ... read more

New Moon Initiatives

There are events in life that are undeniably new beginnings - the birth of a child, starting a job, moving into a new home, ending a relationship or becoming involved in an exciting new one. There are also ... read more

Praying Without Words

Prayer has been used as an important power throughout the ages, from the ancient Egyptians to Alcoholic Anonymous who uses it for members to help reach out to higher "sobering" power. Studies have even ... read more
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