The Dark Moon

The dark of the Moon, or “Dark Moon,” evokes images of secret rituals and mysterious psychic energies. Indeed, it can be a time of great power. The Dark Moon occurs during the last three days of the lunar cycle, just before the New Moon. The energy during this phase is slowing down and turning inward. It’s a time of retreat, healing and renewal.

It’s a time of getting in touch with your inner life and purging unneeded attitudes, feelings and material junk, in preparation for the New Moon, which heralds a new beginning. Most important, the Dark Moon helps eliminate anything (or anyone) in your life that holds you back from your true path. Being in tune with the Dark Moon phase will help you take the steps to manifest greater fulfillment in your life.

Here are some suggestions to help you take advantage of the Dark Moon.

A physical cleanse
Slow down and take a breath. Get in touch with what your body needs. Do you have negative habits you need to eliminate? Do you need to stop smoking or decrease your consumption of alcohol? Are you eating too much sugar – or eating too much, period? Are you exercising regularly? The Dark Moon is an excellent time to prepare for a healthier you by consulting a health professional, starting a health journal, fasting for a day or getting a colonic. Be sure to review what changes you need to make to improve your health. Then launch your new health program after the New Moon.

A material cleanse
And let’s not forget the material stuff. The Dark Moon is an excellent time to clean out your closets and garage. Then hold a yard sale or give your possessions to a charity. Clearing out unneeded stuff is good feng shui that clears the way for new opportunities to enter your life (and house!).

Emotional healing
Ahh, therapy. Talking with someone you trust about your feelings during the Dark Moon can bring surprising insights. After all, the Dark Moon is all about healing and making friends with the inner you. And to be your own best friend, you need to resolve feelings of hurt, jealousy and anger – or anything else standing in the way of being emotionally healthy. Starting a journal during the Dark Moon will improve your clarity, too. Take some time to think about what you need emotionally – from yourself and others. Do you have a good balance between alone time and time spent with loved ones? Do you need to say goodbye to some negative people in your life? The Dark Moon will help you see what changes you need to make to be emotionally fulfilled.

Spiritual tune up
Finally (and perhaps most important), ask yourself if you’re taking time for your spirituality. Like many of us, your life may be filled to the brink with accomplishing things that need to get done. If so, it’s time to stop what you’re doing for a time, and go inward. The Dark Moon is an excellent time to go on a spiritual retreat, join a spiritual group, start a dream journal or begin meditating regularly. Anything that gets you in touch with your soul. Next, begin incorporating at least some of these activities into your daily life. Then your inner voice won’t have to shout to be heard.

If you’re consciously working with the Dark Moon phase each month, you’ll eventually find yourself free from emotional and physical clutter – and filled with love, creativity and purpose.

What insight will the Dark Moon bring you? Talk to a psychic to find out. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

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