Daily Draw: 6 of Cups

Past relationships may come up in your future…

The 6 of Cups represents the reemergence of past relationships, whether it’s a childhood friend, an old love or a family reunion. You should find happiness while reflecting back on old memories, and a reconnection with an old relationship may lead you to new opportunities. If you are faced with a new job or a new relationship, don’t be surprised if it has some connection to your past. The imagery on this card is endearing — a little boy gives flowers to a little girl in a hometown setting. There are 5 other cups filled with flowers which are gifts from the heart. The homes in the back remind us of our childhood or memories from our past.

This card could also mean a gift is coming from an old friend or family member — maybe an inheritance! It could also indicate that something from your past may resurface leaving you with a pleasant or unpleasant situation to deal with.

The reversed meaning of the 6 of Cups represents the past being turned upside down. This could mean that a memory or news from the past could interrupt your life. Or you could be hanging onto something from your past.

You should reflect on your past instead of trying to relive it. The card in reverse could also be a warning to you that something in your present may be harmful and that it should be put in your past. You should observe the situation you’re in and the people around you. This card may also imply that your expectations of family may not be met. It is time to let go of your past and move into a brighter future! From this moment on…

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