Manifesting Empowerment

When I started doing psychic readings and coaching, a woman came to me seeking help. She had been in an abusive relationship, but desperately wanted to empower herself. To gain the finances that she needed to get out of an abusive relationship, I started to spend time with her helping her understand energy work and the art of manifesting. We immediately began switching the energy within her, as well as the Feng Shui in her home. We placed crystals, as well as other stones, in the appropriate places. She de-cluttered her home to allow new energy to flow in, and we used the art of music to also keep the energy flooding in.

One of the biggest things that we did was work on changing her attitude and perception of how change would manifest, and if she would have the tools necessary to be able to move on. We switched her thought process from doubt to the attitude of “I have the new life,” focusing her on the joy she does experience on a daily basis, and the freedom of knowing that this experience is behind her.

As she continued to work on letting go of the past, having gratitude for her new life and the experiences gathered along the way, she was unexpectedly approached with a job opportunity that paid remarkably well. Within two months, she had enough money saved up that she was able to move and start a new life, just as she had planned to manifest.

What are your own favorite ways of manifesting empowerment for yourself?

5 thoughts on “Manifesting Empowerment

  1. Pam

    the past 2 years have been really bad, stuff hit me I didn’t see coming and it hasn’t quit yet no matter what I try.. I’ll be homeless and living in my car Jan1st if something doesn’t break for me. Most of the time now all I want to do is curl up and die. Help

  2. Jacqueline

    Hi Duck,

    I have found that many times we get so caught up in all the hick-ups of everyday life, too often this does slow down the manifesting process of the desires of our heart.

    Too often I have seen great joy and since of empowerment through simple gratitude.

    Hang in there!

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  3. Jacqueline

    Hi Coreen,

    I totally agree with you regarding praying and meditating trusting your own intuition, this is the key to self-empowerment.

    You are so on track!

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  4. thelovelyducklingthelovelyduckling

    Hi, Jacqueline! What a nice article!!!

    Your article could not have come at a better time for me–I am at a point in my life where I need to find my power. I love how you focus on moving from doubt to gratitude. I have found that gratitude is such a blessing and it has helped me manifest the things I want in my life. It is so much better to focus on gratitude than to dwell on the past or bemoan what is missing.


    Duck 🙂

  5. velvetoversteel

    What another Great post and question, Jacqueline!

    I feel that once I stopped giving my power away to people who only wanted to hurt me or bring me down to their level, my life started to change for the better. I stopped letting myself get sucked into other peoples’ lives; that did not have my best interest at heart. That was Hugh for me, as I had always wanted everyone to like me.

    I started meditating, praying and finally not only listening, but trusting my own intuition. I really started liking and trusting myself more and more as time went on.

    Keeping a positive attitude also help me feel empowered, allow. One way I do that is by making a list of all the things I’m grateful for each day. That can bring you up; feel empowered and able to manifest great things into your life almost immediately.

    Thanks for a wonderful post!
    Hugs & many, many Blessings,


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