Your Daily Focus: June 27 – July 3

Your Daily Focus: June 27-July 3 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

Fear. It can control us, immobilize us, keep us stagnant and trapped in lives that do not fulfill or infuse us with joy. We all know that we ultimately hold the reins to our lives and happiness in our own hands, but fear can make it feel as if someone or something else has taken our power away.

You always have the ability and power to face those hesitations, and this is why facing our fears is so important. This is also why we are looking at fear and how to break free of its control in this week’s Daily Focus.

So, come with me and boldly step forward into a fantastic, fearless week!

June 27

“My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened.” Michel de Montaigne

How often have you worried about something terrible that could happen only for it to never materialize? We sometimes spend so much of our valuable time and energy worrying about tomorrows that never come and then wonder why we are running low on the reserves needed to enjoy the good times in life. This is why quieting the internal negative dialogue is so important. Its okay to prepare for possibilities, just remember not to dwell on them to the point of losing what you can’t get back. Today’s word is Quieting.

June 28

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Neale Donald Walsch

It can be hard to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. Staying within our bubbles means we know what to expect and therefore don’t have to deal with the stress of the unknown. The downside to this is that life can get boring, unfulfilling, and monotonous if we are always doing the same things and following the same paths. Try something new and exciting this week and realize that stepping out of your comfort zone has some amazing rewards! Today’s word is Newness.

June 29

“Much as we may wish to make a new beginning, some part of us resists doing so as though we were making the first step to disaster.” William Throsby Bridges

First steps are always the hardest, whether you are speaking about a baby learning to walk or adults getting ready to forge a new path. And yet we humans are intrepid explorers, desiring to discover what else is out there. Pick a new path and embark on that journey. Enjoy your first steps, don’t fear them. Today’s word is Initial.

June 30

“Trust yourself. Don’t be scared of trying something new if you feel a deep impulse.”      

There are many reasons why you may be pulled in new and different directions. Trust that this is happening for positive reasons and enjoy, not only the destination, but also the path that brings you there. There are lessons to be learned about yourself through these periods of experimentation. Today’s word is Guiding.

July 1

“The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think.” David Icke

Many times, what holds us back from doing what will truly make us happy is not the fear of failure but of how other people will view us. Ultimately, we can’t control how or what other people will think, and our happiness is more important than what others my think anyway. Start living your own truth and break free of other peoples’ prisons for you. Today’s word is Authentic.

July 2

“People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them.” George Bernard Shaw

We fear repeating past mistakes, yet we usually find ourselves stuck in situations that play out the same as those we encountered in our pasts. We find comfort in the sameness, and when that happens those fears and burdens are held in place by our reluctance to leave them behind, rather than by their own power. They become part of how we define ourselves, even if they are holding us back from embracing life fully. Today’s word is Release.

July 3

“We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.” Marilyn Monroe

When our lives are controlled by fear, at some point that fear is replaced with a sense of regret. Regret for the experiences, for the loss of time, and for the loss of who we could have become. Live for the now and allow those fears that have held you back to lose their control and grip on you and your definition of happiness. Today’s words are Regret Free.

Want to build a better future? A life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics can tell you where you’re headed. And if you don’t like where you’re headed, your life path psychic can steer you down a better path.

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