The Year Ahead
Your Virgo 2018 Horoscope is very much about you and your daily routines, like work, long-standing relationships, and even how you’re feeding your body. You are the sign that represents diet and exercise, and it’s directly connected to how you feel overall. You’ll have headstrong Mars in your sixth house of work, reputation, and fitness for no less than five months this year, along with two eclipses in the same house. You’ll be thinking a lot about how your present situations fit the big picture of your life as you go forward.
Wondering what else 2018 has in store for you, Virgo? Read with an astrology psychic and find out!
If you’re one of those Virgos who likes to hold their opinion close to their chest or who avoids verbal confrontations, that will be difficult to do this year with expansive Jupiter in your third house of communications and in the emotional sign of Scorpio. However, this placement could show itself in other ways—writing a book for instance. Just know that your emotions will desire expression in some way. On May 15 Uranus will move into Taurus, your ninth house of philosophy which will solidify the growing confidence within. It’s also where your conscious mind won’t allow you to look the other way without expressing your opinion.
Love and Relationships
Neptune continues to occupy your seventh house of committed relationships. If you’re single, don’t worry too much about meeting “the one” because you’ll know it the instant it happens. It will have that soulmate “feel” you’ve been looking for. However, if you’re in a committed relationship already, you will definitely feel the urge to set aside some alone time for the two of you to enjoy some very romantic and dreamy moments. Neptune loves fun and fantasy, so it’s a wonderful distraction for serious-minded Virgos, according to your Virgo 2018 Horoscope.
The Straight and Narrow
Karmic Saturn set up shop in your fifth house of fun and playmates in December 2017. Saturn can be stern, but truthfully it’s an important planet that can set us on the straight and narrow of whatever house it occupies. Will you have lots of time for frivolous fun? Probably not. Will it help you focus on the relationships that mean the most to you? Absolutely! In fact, if you’ve been dating someone for a while the pressure of making that final commitment may come into play during Saturn’s two-and-a-half-year stay.
Your Secrets Will Haunt You
A lunar eclipse on January 31 and a solar eclipse on August 11 will take place in the very social and public sign of Leo. The only problem is that this is also your house of secrets. If you’ve been carrying on behind closed doors and you don’t want anyone to find out, then end it like yesterday, and do a clean-up that would stump even the best CSI team. If you continue with your covert behavior into August, then the solar eclipse will make you want to purge yourself altogether. Acting early is doing damage control. Procrastinating will come around later to haunt you like wearing a suit made of poison ivy. No matter which you choose, it will feel good to release something that was only holding you back.
Money and Career
Pluto will continue its long stay in no-nonsense Capricorn, keeping company with Saturn for the next two-and-a-half-years in your fifth house of fun and playtime. This may seem like a stern and strict astrological set-up for you, especially with all of the sixth-house action going on this year. However, you will find time for fun between obligations and you might even create something fun for others as well. Your Virgo 2018 Horoscope says this may be the year that you turn a passion into a business as your creativity is explosive, but don’t be hasty.
You Need a Back-Up Plan
With Mars and two life-changing eclipses—a solar eclipse on February 15 and the lunar eclipse of July 27—running through your sixth house and Jupiter in your emotional communications house, it’s important to keep yourself from quitting your day job without a back-up plan. Your sixth house is represented by Aquarius, a sign that’s rebellious, impulsive, and built with a desire to effect change. It will take a lot of strength and restraint on your part not to walk away from a job that you’re not feeling connected to. However, even if you create the next best thing to sliced bread in your garage, get a bit of experience under your belt before cutting yourself from the past altogether.
You and the Universe
You will have a solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer on July 12, representing your eleventh house of friendships and groups you’re connected to. Cancer is a nurturing sign and therefore your role in such groups may be elevated, and people may seek your advice. This is one aspect of your Virgo 2018 Horoscope that can really make you feel valued and appreciated.
Overall, your yearly horoscope is all about releasing yourself of that which no longer serves your highest good and growth. Now that you have the GPS coordinates for 2018, you can use your free will to choose what roads you’ll take.
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