• natal chart

Your Rising Sign

Have you ever wondered why some people appear to be different than their Sun sign? Perhaps you know an Aries who's shy instead of fiery, or a Taurus who's dreamy instead of grounded. While your Sun sign ... read more

Be Better in Bed

Astrology can make you better in bed! When we first look to the stars for insight into our sex lives, we tend to put the focus on our Sun Sign. But delve deeper into astrology and you'll find that the best ... read more

Saturn Opposes Uranus

An explosive Saturn-Uranus opposition is sure to rattle some nerves. Saturn strives to maintain the status quo, while Uranus evokes rebellion and change. So between now and August 2010, when the two titans ... read more

Retrograde Planets

Do you have retrograde planets in your natal chart? Have you been told that this means that the area of your life the planet represents is unlucky or dysfunctional? Before you decide that you'll never be ... read more

Break a Pattern

Sometimes the trick isn't to make resolutions, but instead to recognize how to better manage your bad habits. For instance, it's not enough to vow to lose weight. What's necessary is to become aware and ... read more
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