Saturn Opposes Uranus

An explosive Saturn-Uranus opposition is sure to rattle some nerves. Saturn strives to maintain the status quo, while Uranus evokes rebellion and change. So between now and August 2010, when the two titans play tug-of-war, it’s out with the old and in with the new as social and economic certainties get swept away.

Is this the ’60s all over again? You betcha! That’s the last time these superpowers faced off to ignite a revolution. So are you ready for a transformation? Bring it on!

What it means to you
The best way to handle this influence is to start your own inner revolution. Look to see where you need to make a shift in your relationship, career, spending habits, diet – you get the point. The more you’re in touch with your inner world, the more prepared you’ll be when Saturn and Uranus come knocking on your door. Also, eliminating negative attitudes and healing low self-esteem will help you move forward. Then you won’t need the Cosmic Boot (aka Uranus) to kick you out of your rut.

Question your motives
This influence can also create a monumental inner battle between duty (Saturn) and freedom (Uranus). It can prompt you to take extreme action, which may not be in your best interest. For instance, let’s say you’re in a good relationship, but then you suddenly come down with emotional claustrophobia. You want to flee – or do something to get away from feeling smothered.

This is a typical case of Saturn-Uranus flu. The prescription is to slow down and take a breath. Instead of blaming the relationship for your angst, look inside to see if you’ve taken on too much. Are you running yourself ragged trying to be everything to everyone? Take some time for yourself. Take a class, join a volunteer group, get some therapy, or just have a night out with friends once a week. That way, you’ll satisfy your inner Saturn by being responsible, while heeding your inner Uranus through self-discovery.

Dates and signs
So now that you know what to expect from the upcoming roller-coaster ride, take note of the following peak dates, when the opposition will be especially potent: November 2008 through mid-February 2009, September 2009, mid-April through mid-May 2010, and July through mid-August 2010. Then read your Sun and ascendant signs below to see what Saturn and Uranus may have in store for you.

Scorpio: You’re craving more excitement in your love life now, so take some steps to energize romance. Your creativity is on fire as well. Some friends will move on, but networking with professional people can bring opportunities.

Sagittarius: Changes are happening in your home life. A move is possible, but fear over career opportunities may stand in your way. Perhaps it’s time to take charge of your career by making your own opportunities. Can you say self-employed?

Capricorn: Accessing your unconventional side (we know it’s there somewhere) and sharing your innovative ideas can bring success. Your faith may be tested, so have patience and don’t hesitate to ask the higher powers that be for some direction.

Aquarius: Your originality can bring moneymaking opportunities now, but you’ll need to take a practical approach (not your usual style, we know) when it comes to others who support your project. On that note, strive to pay off some debt, too.

Pisces: Your personal goals are in flux, so try to get clear about what you really want – or run the risk of driving your partner, who is the responsible one now, nuts. Teaming up with a business partner may be the way to go.

Aries: A hidden desire to be free of the daily grind may prompt you to make a shift in your work, or at least in your work habits. A flex schedule or working from home can be good options. Also, getting healthy is a priority now.

Taurus: Bulls will want to become part of a greater whole through group activities, which may produce a conflict over time spent with your lover or your kids. Also, committing to your own creative project can bring fulfillment.

Gemini: Your career goals are getting a wake-up call now, which may produce some changes in your work and a tug-of-war between your career and your family. Balancing your time between the two will be the challenge.

Cancer: Your spiritual beliefs, along with your vision of the bigger picture of your life, are being transformed. It’s time to assess your role in the greater scheme of things. Also, you may want to expand your education by taking some classes.

Leo: While an unusual moneymaking opportunity can arise through a partner, a conflict over spending may arise with your significant other. Also, it’s a good time to reevaluate your sexual needs and heal old emotional wounds.

Virgo: You’re in a classic me-versus-we scenario, and will need to compromise (more than usual) with your partner. You’re the responsible one, while your sweetie is in the throes of change. Don’t forget to have some fun to help you recharge.

Libra: Using an innovative approach to your work can bring opportunities – if you can get out of your own way. It’s time to expand your faith in your own abilities and stop hiding who you are. Healing the past will help you move forward.

What do the planets say about you? Talk to one of our gifted astrologers to find out. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

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