Give Thanks To Your Lover

We sometimes overlook the things that are right in front of our face! Think about it, do you write your lover a thank you card for every little Tiffany blue box you're presented with? Probably not. But you ... read more
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Sex with Your Eyes Open

When we have sex, our physical bodies function as conduits for our emotions and thoughts. In other words, we can express and deepen what we feel through doing the deed. And while it may seem like pleasure ... read more
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Better Sex in 60 Seconds

You're overworked, stressed out, exhausted and for a variety of reasons (above and beyond those three), your sex life is sagging. So, what can you do without exhausting yourself even more to bring the va ... read more

When They Say…

On television soap operas, this is the mortally confusing line that relationship enders slip their heart-broken lover to undo a love-knot seamlessly. But, at least on the tube, you get to see what's ... read more

When They Say…

Ouch that line hurts! Those dreaded three words are shocking and confusing, especially when you think you're right in the midst of a budding relationship. Here's a guide to help you understand what ... read more

Obvious Sex Tips

Listen up, lovers. These might seem like really obvious observations to enhance your sex life, but you'd be amazed at how many lovers (all the world over!) don't have a clue. Master these principles and ... read more
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