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Judging Character in Love

How many women must a man rescue before he finds a Goddess in disguise? How many frogs must a woman kiss before she finds a prince? Sure, it is largely a numbers game, a simple matter of statistics. As you ... read more

A Psychic Find

Some readings stand out in a psychic's mind because the whole experience was a bit of an adventure. "On this particular call my client and I really connected and despite the fact that she was in great ... read more

True Confessions!

Is there anything worse than the dawning realization that you must confess? Be it a small omission of truth that must be righted, or hurtful news that could harm a relationship forever, no one looks ... read more

How to Read Body Language

You don't want to even think about it - you're uneasy, anxious, and restless in your own skin. Panic sometimes seizes you, and it feels like you're going - well, crazy. You don't want to be suspicious, ... read more
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