Lover’s Secrets By Sign

When we meet someone new, we’re usually on our best behavior. We laugh things off, smile a lot and are especially kind and considerate. We want our Sun Sign to shine as bright as possible – because, after all, we want it to work out this time around!

We shove our baggage in the closet, tidy up our place and hide our most unflattering traits. Here’s the thing to remember – so do they! That’s where the zodiac comes in. To make sure you know what you’re getting into, here’s a list of secrets by sign.

If anyone can put a shine on the bad news, it’s Leo! Yet their fibs are usually of the little white variety. Still, take their stories with a grain of salt. The Lion loves to exaggerate and rewrite events to make things seem glamorous and exciting. They also tend to brag. They can’t help it, they have a natural flair for theater. Stroke their mane (ego) and just go with it.

The hush-hush on Virgo is that they’re never satisfied. Alas, these cerebral creatures believe that nothing is ever good enough. They can’t help it, they’re perfectionists – that’s the reason they’re so meticulously put together. With perfectionism also comes the tendency to over analyze and nit-pick. So don’t take their criticisms personally, it’s what they do. The best advice is to roll with the punches. It will help you develop a thick emotional skin. Besides, they usually only tell you the truth, so you might learn something if you don’t internalize it too much.

Your Libra may seem really eager to be your lover. It’s because they always want to be in a relationship. The caveat here is that they’re also afraid to commit – because the grass is always greener somewhere else. Worse still, you’ll never know something’s wrong because these diplomats smile even when they’re seething inside. Did I hear someone say passive aggressive? But, of course, they’re charming and beautiful, too. So, if you like a Libra, create balance and above all else, don’t be too clingy.

Ah yes, Scorpio. Their secret is that they have lots of secrets and they’ll never reveal them to you. They like their privacy. Unless, of course, you lead by example – the more you reveal to them, the more comfortable they’ll be revealing things to you. Prying won’t help. At all. Go deep, or go home.

The undisclosed information about the archer is that there is no undisclosed information. They’re open books and can be honest to a fault. This tendency can mean that the Sagittarius in your life has no tact. They also love to put their head in the sand. This is exacerbated by the fact that this fire sign has a little problem with discipline and focus. They often can behave in a careless and irresponsible way. In other words, bring protection.

Capricorn is sometimes perceived as icy cold. But secretly they really care what other people think about them. They work very hard to achieve their desires but they don’t necessarily want you to know how they’ve reached the top of the mountain. And they don’t let loose very often. Goats are serious-minded folks. Anything less than educational may be considered outright frivolous in their book.

The old adage here is that Aquarians love humanity but hate people. Secretly, they’re a little snobby because they march to their own drum. They scream out “NO” to tradition, so don’t expect them to live behind a white picket fence. They’re ruled by Uranus, which makes them natural born rebels. So, if you’re getting involved, know that they will not live (or fight) by any standards other than their own.

It may be the case that the Piscean in your life hasn’t successfully integrated their spiritual life with the physical world. More than any other sign, the fish is the one with a proclivity for escaping. Meaning, they may be hiding from some type of addiction, be it food, books, television, drugs, sex, or even themselves. They’re also incredibly sensitive – but that’s not really a secret.

There’s a reason why Aries comes off as a battering ram, it’s because deep inside they’re really scared. Yup, that’s right! This impetuous and fiery creature, who is always ready for action is actually afraid. Which explains their temper – it serves as both a weapon and a shield. They’ll never admit it of course, but deep inside Aries knows they could benefit from anger management classes and a little therapy. If you’re going to engage in a romance with this hot head, make sure you know how to stand your ground. And keep them entertained too. They like to pick fights when bored.

Your new bull won’t tell you this, but secretly, Taurus wants to be taken care of. They inherently crave security – it’s in their bullheaded bones, which can make them a little greedy. At their worst, these earth-bound animals are gold diggers. Their insecurity could also make them hoarders or pack rats. Fortunately however, they’re also very sensible, so they may know that true security comes from within. But just to be sure, look under the mattress for the stash!

These hyper twins are secretly schizophrenics. They have a double personality so you’ll never know who is going to walk through that door. Is it going to be the soft reserved person you met at the post office last month or a wild child ready to act out? On top of that, they regularly play devil’s advocate with themselves so they don’t even know which path they’re going to take. The fork in the road is just too confusing.

Bring out the violins and the tissues. Crabs can be big cry babies. That’s right – wah, wah, wah! This water sign is all about taking care of their emotional needs. So, they can be very, very insecure. Other than crying, they can also cling, smother and require constant reassurance. So don’t be surprised if the phone always rings. To curb this tendency, let them take care of you. They love to nurture. Or you can always buy them a puppy.

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