DreamCast: A Funeral

My friend (who I want to marry) and I were at a funeral, sitting in the pews. We were talking, along with everyone else, but we didn't know anyone there. The casket was brown and closed. I remember feeling ... read more

Why We Need Love

Love. Countless songs are written about it, thousands of books have explored its meaning, and millions pay monthly fees to cyber-cupids with the hope of finding a true one. From our earliest moments on ... read more

Friends in Need

One of the most challenging parts of a true friendship is when a tragedy befalls someone you love. Watching a friend go through a really tough time - like a death in the family, a serious illness, an ... read more

Detox Energy

Have you ever noticed that there are certain people - co-workers, relatives, friend - who are like happiness leeches, sucking you dry of your energy with their bad vibes and, in turn, showering you with ... read more
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Judging Character in Love

How many women must a man rescue before he finds a Goddess in disguise? How many frogs must a woman kiss before she finds a prince? Sure, it is largely a numbers game, a simple matter of statistics. As you ... read more
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