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Leader, visionary, creative, entrepreneurial success, inspiring, dedicated, generous, and honest.
Staff Suit Meaning
The suit of Staffs is associated with creativity, passion, art, and sex. It is the suit connected with the element of Fire, and with Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The Suit of Staffs seeks attention, pleasure, passion, and a sense of connectivity. This is where lust lives, where anger, jealousy, and even chaos live. Although mostly, the Staffs are seen as the spark of creativity, artistry, and craft. The Staffs are also associated with the planet Mars, named for the god of war. Fire is bright, it lights the way, it burns both barriers and bridges without caring which it reaches first, and every card in the suit of Staffs embodies that fiery energy. Depending on the deck, this suit could be called Wands, Rods, Staves, or Clubs.
General Meaning for the King of Staffs
Receiving the King of Staffs in a reading may point to a strong male influence in your life, or perhaps it speaks directly to you and your generous, helpful spirit. If you have achieved a level of success in life, you’re in a great position to help others, and you feel inspired to do so. The King is the master of the suit, and so he embodies all of the energy of the Staffs. He is passionate, not fearless like a knight but brave in the sense that he knows fear and moves ahead anyway. The King of Staffs is in control, a leader, someone others look to as a role model. Someone who is, undeniably, cool. When he appears in a reading it is a good indication of success and notoriety.
King of Staffs in the Past/Yesterday Meaning
The King of Staffs in the past position indicates that you may have felt like you wanted to be a leader or have some positive effect on others’ lives, but you weren’t quite sure how. Now, you may have the skills and experience to bring your desires to life. It may also be a reminder to believe in yourself and call on the skills that you have. The King has worked hard for his crown, and he deserves to wear it. If you want to be worthy of the rewards life has to offer, you must be willing to work hard and make sacrifices as the King has.
King of Staffs in the Present/Today Meaning
The King of Staffs in the present position is a reminder to stay on track and to keep working towards achieving your desires. Hard work will pay off, and nothing worth having is easily won. The Knight might be distracted by applause or adventure, but the King is thinking long term. If you want to remain in control and reap all the rewards of your work, you must first put in all the work. Do not let vanity stand in your way and do things even if they are difficult. That is how you win.
King of Staffs in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning
This position indicates a payoff for all that focus and dedication to manifesting your dreams and being an inspiration for others. You are in a unique position to lead others, and they will seek you out. When the King of Staffs comes into your life, he brings good fortune. This is what you have the ability to be for others if you keep working toward your goals. Remember, this is a lifestyle, not a destination. Be inspired by others, set lofty goals for yourself, and pay it forward.
Love and Relationship Meaning for the King of Staffs
If you are the King of Staffs, you use your charm and wit to connect with the object of your affection. If you meet the King of Staffs, he’s sure to pull out all the stops to capture your affections. This card could also mean that you haven’t made time to really look for love, because you’re busy with other things. If you want a relationship with the kind of person the King of Staffs embodies, you must make time for love to find you.
In a committed relationship, it’s sure to be a deep, romantic connection. The King of Staffs wants to show you the world and share it all with you. This is the epitome of an enlightened partner. They know what they want and as long as you’re willing to grow with them, and don’t hold them back, you will go far together.
Career Meaning for the King of Staffs
Ambitious and confident, the King of Staffs is passionate about whatever path he chooses. Artist or entrepreneur, it’s all about following your dreams. If you stay focused there is no limit to what you can achieve. This card could also indicate a mentor in the workplace that you could connect with, or that you should become a mentor for someone else.
Financial Meaning for the King of Staffs
If the King of Staffs shows up in a money reading, it’s an indication that it’s time to take the next step forward – whether investing in your continued education, building a business, or buying that first house. The King is symbolic, and he represents both security and long-term stability. Stay in control and you will be fine.
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