Psychic Success

Don’t allow discouragement and doubt to blur your vision and wash away your dreams. Visualize your way beyond the detours, standstills, and obstacles, maintains Miss Krystal ext. 9192, who has been a clairvoyant, clairaudient and a paranormal medium since childhood.

Daisy (not her real name), a 29-year-old studying in Vancouver needed to hear these important words for she was about to throw away her hopes – until she spoke to Miss Krystal, that is. The student, who had moved from Seattle to Canada on an art history scholarship, was feeling helpless. Although she was appreciative that she’d landed a scholarship, she’d lost her motivation, and as a result she was flunking out of school.

“I landed this amazing opportunity and now I am doing poorly in school. I am ruining my future but I just haven’t felt good in a long time. Something’s wrong and I have no idea what it is.” As soon as she said this, Miss Krystal got a visual of a map with a red line running from Vancouver to New York City. “I saw her traveling across the line,” recalls Miss Krystal.

The psychic also saw the word “approval” written on an application. Finally she saw Daisy walking into a room with a portfolio and talking to a guy with a goatee and steel rimmed glasses.

Daisy was blown away. “That’s craziness. I’ve wanted to go to study art in New York. But with my grades, there’s really no point in even applying.” The psychic reminded Daisy that she was a prolific artist and that she should believe in herself and her dreams. She had the power to turn her life around. “The problem was she wasn’t meant to prosper in Vancouver. Sometimes a certain geographical location is not conducive to our well-being,” explained Miss Krystal.

“You have nothing to lose. Do it,” Miss Krystal urged.

“The deadline is March. Do I even have the time?”

Miss Krystal told Daisy to stop making excuses… she’d get a response sooner than she thought. After being infused with confidence and excitement, Daisy applied. And sure enough, she was invited to New York City to meet with the director of a prestigious art institution. She walked into a room with her portfolio tucked neatly under her arm just like Miss Krystal had predicted. And the man resembled Miss Krystal’s image.

The meeting went smoothly and shortly after she was accepted. When she called back to share the news, Daisy was both ecstatic and nervous. She was worried that she wouldn’t be able to find an affordable living situation where she could keep her cats.

“Again I told her not to worry that everything was now going to flow. I knew it. I saw it,” says Miss Krystal.

Today, Daisy is super happy.

Explains Miss Krystal, you can’t make it in every city. Take Daisy, for instance, she didn’t vibe with the city she was in. Once she moved, everything opened up and flowed.

“Daisy is proof that you must never give up on your dreams,” says Miss Krystal. “Even when you feel lost, alone or bewildered, you must continue on and believe in yourself.”

Are you truly following your dream? Talk to a psychic for guidance. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

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