Psychic Liam: What Does Your Soul Embody?

Psychic Liam helps us to understand the godliness within us and how it grows and changes over time. Learn how this divinity changes us and our souls.

Gods of the Era and The Cult of Elvis

Floating through the forest fog in our ancient black Chevy, on my way home from a morning run, I find myself smiling. On the radio, Elvis is singing… crooning… chanting his incantation of absolute loneliness. “Heartbreak Hotel” is a hymn to steamy disillusionment, and as the honky-tonk piano clinks away, I am amazed at how this simple, old song provokes such a strong sense of emotional connection.

You see, my father is a high priest in the cult of Elvis and my aunt, one of his wandering mystics making pilgrimages to Graceland as she is able. When I was a kid, we had a behemoth floor model television that would buzz and flicker late into the evenings. If luck was with us on rare occasions, the late, late show on the local channel transmitted from a small city 100 miles away would feature an Elvis film. Maybe “Viva Las Vegas” or “King Creole” or, by the grace of the pop culture gods, “Blue Hawaii.” He was a mythic figure… both minstrel and jester… the player and piper of my sheltered childhood world. By then, the real Elvis, the living flesh and blood man, had been gone for a few years—lost as so many are, before his time. It seems the gods themselves don’t get much say in their entrances and exits from our stage. But thanks to the miracle of that giant magic box, his enchantment lived on.

We grow older. If we’re lucky, we grow in knowledge, in power, in force and the things of our youth start to seem silly. Youth requires expansion and the sacrifice of the Gods of Childhood. Things once revered become downright nonsensical. Young people are forced to watch the world around them become colder, more logical and rigid.

My very first psychic teacher was a wildly wacky witch from California, and I recall her warning that the gods of my youth would not be the gods of my manhood. At the time, I thought that only made sense. After all as we evolve, our beliefs, our outlooks and faiths are bound to change. But I don’t think I really understood what she meant until that morning hearing Elvis singing on the radio. Our gods are emanations of our Selves. Archetypes that embody ideas based on need, on desire, on what constitutes our sense of safety. What we call divinity is purely a radiation from within, a projected image we cast onto external figures be they modern and mythical or traditional and archaic. Ask a psychic about your situation today!

The Tibetan mystics say that at death a soul is confronted by the gods. And if in that moment the soul can recognize that these beings are but aspects of itself, then Nirvana will be attained. But if the soul continues to see the gods as separate, then it falls back into the circle of Karma and rebirth. Any good mystic knows to look beyond definition, but it’s important to know why those definitions exist. It’s not a bad thing to venture back to the alters and temples of one’s youth. And for me that might mean checking out “Speedway” late some night on TCM.

Long live the king.

4 thoughts on “Psychic Liam: What Does Your Soul Embody?

  1. somima

    this reminds me of the last scenes from a great movie: Shadowlands – where Anthony Hopkins says about safety and suffering and why it hurts so much to lose someone and we hear him say: “Twice in that life I was given the opportunity to chose. As a Boy I chose safty, and as a man I chose suffering. The pain now is part oft the happiness then – thats the deal. ”
    So a mans world may still be the same as the boys world, but richer.

  2. Robin Bednarczyk

    I LOVE to read Liam’s insight! Very interesting and where I can’t put it in words, HE DOES, and makes it so easy to comprehend!

  3. marc from the uk

    As a child I was mad on Elvis and as an adult I am grateful that I was around when he was alive, I can still remember the day he died and the national newspaper article on the front page, Elvis is dead the day after, it was in my mind as a child the first time I experienced celebrity loss. For many years I looked up to him and people like him as they have touched so many lives in a positive and happy way. As I have grown and matured I realise that although he had so much power and wealth, was he truly happy? I often pondered if he wished sometimes if he was anonymous? free to be himself and develop as a person and a soul without his music still touches me in a happy positive way, and the lyrics of many a song will always bear some meaning. As the Beach Boys once sang, ” Thank God made The Radio” !

    I supose what I am saying here s Liam is right, we develop and see life differently, and the important thing is learn from it, but still enjoy what we have, I heard a quote the the day ” Stop wanting to have everything, but enjoy what you have”!!


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