4 Ways to Beat the End of Summer Blues

If you’re among the masses who love the summer sun – and dread the autumnal equinox – you’re not alone. There’s a lot to be said for bright skies and breezy spirits! That said, fall has plenty to offer us as well, seasonally and spiritually. While it may mean the days are getting shorter, transformation is in the air, all around us. Seize the spirit of change and make the most of what autumn has to offer.

1. Stay Active Outside

If you feel like you didn’t cram in all the action you’d hoped to this summer, stop filling yourself with regrets! Anything you didn’t get done is something to look forward to next year, or maybe it doesn’t even need to wait that long. Often, we use the change in weather as an excuse for holing up. While a chilly day spent by the fire certainly holds its appeal, there’s no need to hibernate for the next six months. The cooler temperatures can be a welcome respite from high-intensity heat, and they offer plenty of outdoor action. From picking apples and raking leaves to hot cocoa-laced walks along the beach or the lakefront, get out of the house. Love this time for what it is, not for what it isn’t!

2. Use Your Downtime

It’s fun to reminisce over your summer vacation, even if you spent it at home. But rather than gazing backward longingly, mourning a time that has passed, remember that the holiday season starts soon, and this downtime is actually a wonderful gift. It’s perfect for you to refocus your intentions and set good patterns into practice before things get so busy you lose track of your plans and get swept up in the spirit of the season. On that note…

3. Start a New Routine or Project

Is there an area of your life you’d like streamlined? Now’s the time to do it. Without the weather beckoning you to take a personal day – or the kids at home and in your hair – it’s a perfect opportunity to reorganize your life. Whether it’s shifting your exercise plan or making time for meditation, the spirit of transformation is in the cosmos. Now bring it into your home!

Meanwhile, whether it’s related to your work or a hobby, the air of change brings with it a chance to delve into a passion project. Take a class, redecorate a room, or start a club for yourself and your friends, even if it’s just a monthly wine tasting or movie night. Kids aren’t the only ones who can learn a thing or two at back-to-school time. Grownups should expand their horizons, too.

4. Heat Up Your Nights

Finally, whether you’re single or coupled up, fall can be an intensely romantic time of year, when snuggling up leads people to open up. After all, while summer nights scream hot, hot, hot, they often leave us sweaty and sticky in all the wrong ways! On the other hand, the cool-down all around means it’s time to generate the heat from inside. Relax together by a fire, bundle up and share a drink on the deck. Regardless of how long you’ve known each other–ten minutes or ten years – fall is a perfect fit for falling in love!

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