9 Surprising Sex Tips From Guys

What Men Really Want

The pages of women’s magazines like to tell guys how we like our sex. However, there are nine tips, in particular, that women really need to know, and this advice is coming straight from the men who want you to have these sex tips. Get more personalized advice, contact a psychic today!

1. Response Over Beauty

Women believe that one of their primary tools to making a man happy in bed is her beauty. However, what really starts the engine for most guys is her response and interest level. A woman who responds to a man’s touch, is creative in bed, and resists the urge to count ceiling sprinkles, is a woman who we don’t have to bother wondering what she’s thinking; she’s already made that quite clear!

2. Passive Resistance

Statistics suggest that 20 percent of guys prefer a woman to take the lead when it comes to dating and sex. What these statistics don’t show is that nearly 100 percent of guys like women who occasionally take the reins. Whoever created the rumor that the caveman is supposed to drag the woman back to his cave by the hair, left out the part where she persuades him to climb a sap-filled pine tree, before enticing him to stroke her shiny locks with his sticky fingers.

3. Guided Fingers

Despite what a man wants you to believe; he has little idea what he’s doing in bed. Men basically wing it whenever they are with a new partner. However, what he does find sexy is when a woman knows exactly what she wants, and is not afraid to take his hand and show him what that is. Men find pull and tell a lot more erotic, than the grunt and grasp game. This is when a guy grabs and caresses whatever he can, gauging his success by either her grunts of pleasure or pain.

4. Hurt So Good

When men touch a woman gently, they are role-playing the guys from all romance movies. Women assume this tender touch means to handle them in the same careful fashion. However, men are more aroused when they are man-handled a bit. A little scratch here, a bite there… just remember, no teeth on his most sensitive man parts!

5. What He Thinks When You Turn Him Down For Sex After an Argument

Some men believe that their girlfriends/wives deliberately start a fight to avoid having sex with them. It never really crosses his mind that she might have a reasonable gripe with him, because he is too focused on its repercussion. Men are much more sensible animals when we are allowed to feel loved and appreciated. Withholding sex only creates a wedge that will make negotiations (and compromise) all the more difficult.

6. Love vs. Viagra

Women assume that it is their fault when a man can’t get his juices flowing down below. They think it means he isn’t as attracted to her or interested as he once was. The truth is, the more feelings of love and respect involved with sex, the more pressure a man feels, and therefore, the more likely he is to come up short (pun intended).

“Define your sensuality and sexuality according to what makes you happy.” – Agnes ext. 5400

7. Guys Like a Woman Who Knows His Anatomy

The giggly virgin may seem attractive for the first five minutes of sex, but once a guy figures out she has no idea what feels good to him; her innocence looses its appeal. Men appreciate a woman who knows his basic anatomy enough to create fireworks, just by juggling his bits in all the right directions.

8. Leave More Than Just Your Hat On

Tom Jones and Joe Cocker sang a tune begging women to leave their hat on during sex. While this is a good start, a lot of guys appreciate having other accessories left on as well. Think of your bra, stockings, and other lingerie as your hood scoop, spoiler, and decals. In other words, most men appreciate a few extra accessories on their hot rod, and a few frilly accoutrements during love making can be just as tantalizing!

9. Lady Behavior

I think Hollywood has made this point quite clear, but it never hurts to drive the point home. Men love women for who you are; make no mistake about that. However, we do appreciate our fantasies that women are only brushing their teeth every time you slip behind a bathroom door. And when it comes to sex, this is how this fantasy should stay. Please keep any discussions about your period or last bowel-movement until after sex, when we are already asleep.

“Attracting sex is simple. The hard part is when someone believes that sex and love are the same or that one will naturally lead to the other.” – Reed ext. 5105

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26 thoughts on “9 Surprising Sex Tips From Guys

  1. Preciousone

    Great article. I have not had sex in about 12 years. I have not found that man that wowed me enough to want to sleep with him. I guess my broken marriage did that for me. But I am now dating a man and these steps will help me keep him interested.

  2. Rhea

    i find that my hubby is bossy when sex making …etc.. And I get real hell for him to do anything special for me. .And he goes on and on with promises. Eg . next time i would do this and that. Yeah .. women does all the work even in the bed.

  3. littlepinkdaisy

    Hey diddle diddle, the cat that fiddle, my mom used to tell me!
    And that is the greatest advice of all!

  4. Dina

    You said great things but left out chemistry. I have been told I am great in bed but but it not so much fun for me unless there’s chemistry. Also why don’t men take better care of themselves to stay healthy and attractive to beable to be the best partners in bed especially since they are the more sexually desirious of the two sexes. Believe me women want it too and do not like the pot bellies, the out of breath lover who can not sustain an erection. Woman want to move and play in bed, not just lie there. we can not move if we have to worry about a man falling out by our activity…..healthy men have good erections…lifestyle choices keep you healthy or not….

  5. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Nice article, Eric…….I’ve had many male clients mention the above things to me during their readings, in the past.

  6. ani

    want to know more about sex., how to attract men and how to know what they like us doing for them.

    how we can enjoy with them., when the girl is more sexual then.

  7. carolyn

    the article was very good. i believe a woman should let her man know what excite her in the bedroom. also dont just think of yourself also think of what he might like and together you have magic.

  8. Feminine Element

    Thank you for your tips and bits, however you may benefit from a deep read of the Kama Sutra.
    As a woman I’d like to offer up a little acronym that may assist us all to experience the great sexual pleasures that is our birthright and intrinsic creative life force.

    Sensuality is Sexy!

    Engage Honestly.

    X-otic Play holds the Treasures x

    Yield to the breath. Yes Yes Yes…

    I think we’re done here… xxx

  9. terry

    1 like every thing you said in this artical but since my wife died 3 yrs to cancer after 40 great yrs marraige i have been every suite and know luck yet i am achritian man just trying to find a nice lady to date , what your advice. terry

  10. Patty

    I guess I must do the sexual part of things quite well…Very good to know though I have never had a complaint or any1 leave over sex….All info is stil nice to have…thanx for sharing


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