Psychic Violet’s Intuitive Illumination

Psychic Violet ext. 9662 is a clairvoyant Tarot card reader who can tap into a person’s past lives. She realized her gifts at the age of 12 when she was nurtured by both grandmothers, who were each psychic. One taught her the mysteries of the Tarot, and the other helped her realize her ability to communicate with spirit guides. With little more than a name, Violet can give psychic insight into what is going on in your life – illuminating your past to help you choose the right course for your future. Violet can speak Yugoslavian fluently.

“I was just born with it,” she says of her talent. “One grandmother read cards, the other talked to spirits. At age 12 I just started saying things. I’d be able to pinpoint where a lost quilt was, and so on… My grandmothers helped me to better use what I was given. Besides my grandmothers, my mother and everyone in her family had psychic ability. It seems to go way, way back. My roots are in Greece. And that’s a big part of it. I think it’s genetic, it runs in families.”

Psychic Violet ext. 9662 counsels her callers that “They can ask anything they want. My guides fill me in on what I need to know. I’ll use the tarot if my guides come in to talk to me. I go by first name and how old they are. I pick up on the voice of the caller. Spirit guides start talking to me, I’ll get pictures of the person; sometimes guides will give me certain words, full sentences. I was talking to one client and one of her partner’s guides – his mother – came in. She said to tell my client to ‘Hit him over the head with a frying pan!’ Apparently this is what she’d done to calm him down when he was eight! Or if pets have passed over, I can pick up on their energy. I can read people coming into my caller’s life, whether they’re ‘good’ or ‘bad’… If people have a pet who has passed over, I can see them… I can find missing people. For instance, I can find a missing husband, see if he’s out drunk with his friends, see him passed out on somebody’s couch…”

Psychic Violet ext. 9662 has been reading professionally since 1980. “I love doing it. I like helping people, doing that makes me feel good.”

In her other life, Psychic Violet ext. 9662 works as an animal caretaker. “I can pick up on the animals, their personalities, how they feel. I’ve worked with horses, dogs, cat, you name it. Everything except reptiles… reptiles just look at us like we’re lunch! It’s more of a primitive outlook. Reptiles aren’t as fast as the other animals.”

Is there anything she’d like people to realize?

“I know the world is a hard place to live,” she counsels. “There’s wars, natural disasters – but if everyone could just be nice to each other, to the animals, to the planet, to stop and help someone if they need help. I wish everyone could not be cruel. The people who are cruel, it’s usually in their background, or they don’t know better. Maybe it’s impossible. But if we can try to do nice things, to be nice to animals, we’d have a better world, and get along better.”

What can Psychic Violet ext. 9662 see for you?

4 thoughts on “Psychic Violet’s Intuitive Illumination

  1. velvetoversteel

    Great interview and insight to Violet, Krishna! I feel like I not only know her now but could really trust her! & that is very important too. Good luck to you both!

  2. misskrystal

    nice going violet…gina rose speaks the world of you.
    have heard wonderful things about you.
    miss krystal

  3. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    I think the world of my friend Violet and her psychic skills…..her remote viewing skills are excellent.

    If you haven’t tried her, then you are missing out.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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