Your Daily Focus: October 12-18

Your Daily Focus: October 12-18 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

Ever since moving back to New England I have looked forward to the autumn, and activities like going foraging for herbs and wild mushrooms, especially Hen of the Woods. It’s funny how excited I can get when I find the motherload, after I’ve begun to believe I might be going home empty handed. You may know that they like Oak trees but finding the right kind of tree is not a promise that you will find the Hen. Sometimes it feels like you are wasting your time as you make your way through the woods turning over vegetation. Many times, when you turn over leaves and fallen logs you find unexpected treasures, but other times you find wet dirt, bugs, or nothing at all.

Trying to find yourself can be a lot like foraging in the woods. You need to turn things over, hunt, and search, but sometimes what we find isn’t what we needed, wanted, or expected. Sometimes what we find makes us jump back in fear or disgust, but if we keep hunting, before we know it, we have found the prize that we were searching for: Ourselves.

This week’s Daily Focus takes inspiration from that desire to search out who we are and all the courage, tenacity, and determination it takes to do so.

October 12

“Who am I? Ask and start your journey within.” Anonymous

Although I talked about foraging, which is something that we do out in the world around us, the landscape that we need to explore when it comes to finding ourselves is the one within. Doing internal, or shadow work as it is sometimes called, is not always easy, but in order to be sure that you are on the right path you need to be ready to turn over the ‘debris’ that has covered who you truly are. Don’t be afraid to look inside, to peer into the dark, and uncover new truths about who you are and who you may become. Today’s word is Discovery.

October 13

“Step into the fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn you.” Mooji

A couple years ago I had the opportunity to do a fire walk, and believe me when I tell you that looking within is not that dis-similar to what we walkers did that night. We spent several hours before we even approached the glowing coals, just meditating and looking inside ourselves; the dreams we had, the obstacles that we put in front of ourselves, and recognizing the parts of who we were that no longer served our purpose.  Learning who you are can be both invigorating and intimidating, and there is always the fear that we will somehow get hurt along the way, but much like the embers that we walked over that night, the flames and heat may touch you but they won’t burn you. Today’s word is Ablaze!

October 14

“Every day, you reinvent yourself. You’re always in motion. But you decide every day: forward or backward.”

Part of finding ourselves is realizing that as we live our lives, we grow and change, and the person that we once were may not be the person who we are now. We reinvent our perception of who we are and make choices about our paths, hopefully based on knowing that we aren’t the person that we once were. We can move forward or backwards, but the most important thing to remember is that we need to stay on top of how we have changed so that we can make sure that we are definitely moving in the right direction. Today’s word is Motion.

October 15

“You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need.” 

One of the questions that I am often asked is “How do I know that I am on the right path?” and I think this is something that all of us worry about at different points in our lives. If you feel that you can’t trust your intuition, trust your energy, because it won’t lie! When we are working on even the most mundane of projects, we usually notice that the ones we truly enjoy and don’t mind putting our all into give us all the energy in the world. We can go hours and still feel invigorated. Likewise, if it is one that we just don’t feel much affinity for we find reasons to procrastinate and feel exhausted and drained after just a short period of time. When life is charging your batteries, you know you are making the right choices and are definitely on the right path. Today’s word is Pathwork.

October 16

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.”  George Moore

We hear many stories about people who go on long journeys to try to find what is missing in their lives or to find themselves, when all they probably needed to do was stay at home and look inside. That’s not to say that we can’t learn about ourselves from stepping back from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives and getting away for a while, it’s just that ultimately, we need to put what we do learn to use, and that usually brings us back home and to our lives. Today’s word is Staycation.

October 17

“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.”  Jean de La Fontaine

At several points in our lives we find ourselves needing to choose between multiple paths. Sometimes we select a path to move us away from what we feel is expected of us rather than towards a goal, and in doing so we find our true purpose and path! Never be afraid of making a wrong choice or of doing something that might seem counterproductive. We will find our way to where we are supposed to be, even if we get there by taking side streets rather than the highway. Today’s word is Kismet.

October 18

“What you discover on your own is always more exciting than what someone else discovers for you.” Terrence Rafferty

Everyone needs direction, but sometimes we look to other people to deliver not just lessons, but the answers too. I appreciate the draw of the quick and easy way, but there is a deepness of pride and excitement when you take the harder way, work for what you desire, and attain it. I love Steampunk and for many years was active at several conventions. I purchased several outfits, all intricate Victorian dresses and gowns that were made perfectly and were beyond gorgeous, but my favourite ones were the ones that I bravely created on my own. They may not have been sewn in a period authentic way and they were not spot on perfect, but the sense of pride that I had when I wore them were worth more than the compliments that I received when I wore the ones that had been professionally made. I learned a lot in the process of cutting the pieces out and running over my finger with the sewing machine, not just about costuming and sewing, but also about patience and creativity that I never would have learned if I had always bought items. Today’s word is Home Made.

I hope that this week has helped you to look forward to the process of self-awareness and self-discovery. The greatest part about this is that we get to do this throughout our lives, and each time we think that we have learned all there is about ourselves, we uncover something new and unexpected to explore.

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One thought on “Your Daily Focus: October 12-18

  1. Aida

    Thank you Daska for this inspiring Weekly advice. I enjoyed reading this message because of your clear and concise approach. God bless you.


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