Your Weekend Forecast for April 13-15, 2012

Aquarius Moon Will Make This a Fun Weekend

This is the last weekend with the Sun in Aries. Friday, the effect from the Capricorn Moon will wane as it moves into Aquarius late Friday afternoon, settling in nicely until Monday morning. The past week was a very focused workweek, with the motivational energy from both the climbers of the zodiac (Aries and Capricorn) which were driving us to get things done. The dramatic airy energy from the Aquarius Moon makes this weekend one of fun, creative amusement and deep ideas stirring conversations into a whipped delight.


Walking the middle path all weekend is a real test of how balanced you can actually be. It is a time to give as good as you get and those you love will want direction from you. You, however, will be looking for validation from those who seek your advice.


Your mind is active, but your body is going in a different direction. As hard as it is for you to go with the flow, if you do, you will find yourself in a very positive position on Sunday. Try to get in a workout that brings your mind and body into harmony. Monday is going to be a very demanding day mentally.


Throwing caution to the wind, you are pretty much up for anything but staying home. A surprising phone call puts you in the fast lane for some fun. There will be a reason to have your thinking cap on all day Sunday; you won the vote for Mayor of the day giving you a fair amount of responsibility.


“Stay on track” is your mantra for the weekend. It will be very balanced, focused and physical. Saturday afternoon take time to rest up for the evening and the activities you will be joining in on Sunday.


Mellow with a capital M, this weekend is nothing short of uneventful. Assume your favorite position, stock up on the goodies you need to keep you smiling and relax as everyone around you does the work. Oh mighty Leo, it is good to be king.


You are not in the mood for a debate, so you create a good conversation that stimulates creative energy. This propels you and those around you to do something unusual. Although you are the creative force behind the actions, you can now relax and observe.


Love is in the air. Balance and harmony ring out as you gather friends for a wonderful weekend. Being mindful of what you say is very important, as there will be those whose feathers get ruffled very easily, so tread carefully into unknown conversations. Make sure your facts are right.


Friday rings in on a good note with an evening that starts out romantic and ends romantic. Your energy level drops on Saturday, and you get to enjoy a peaceful day without drama. There will be friends knocking on your door early Sunday morning for you to go out and play. A good run or fun team sport is on the menu.


Calm energy starts your weekend off, then quickly changes to a slump on Saturday, and then quickly changing to a real boost of mental power on Sunday. Your energy is so high on Sunday everyone wants to be around you to absorb the vibrations.


This weekend, you’d rather stay in and make love all day. Savor the vibrations, and enjoy the new experiences of this passionate energy. There are rewards for all the hard work you did around the house. Looking out from new windows or through new glasses brings you a great sense of joy.


Sometimes the world is your oyster, and although your energy level is not up to par, your good fortune exceeds your dreams. Do not worry you can handle all the good stuff; try to keep your emotions at an even keel by meditating.


A paper or project you need to finish is within your reach. Pace yourself so you do not drift off, needlessly taking up precious time. Even if you have to put on blinders so you can only see straight ahead, that will be fine.

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8 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for April 13-15, 2012

  1. -quinn ext.5484

    HI stacy young YOU WROTE
    when will i meet someone that has things in common with me and that will be mt sole mate i have been single for over 5 years and i am very lonely or when will i get the chance to rekindle my relationship with a old boyfriend either way it gose i need a person in my life other then my kids so i can be happy again once in my life i am so tired of being a lone and going through things by myself i need someone so i can to cry on there shoulders can you help me answer that question –

    I am so sorry that you are feeling this way – one thing that i have discovered over the many years of doing readings is that if you are not happy it is very difficult to attract a happy person. if you want someone to cry on, a friend or family member is better for that task. men want to have fun, make love, enjoy the company of a happy woman.
    giving someone else the responsibility for your happiness is keeping you stuck, i would love to help you become happy and unstuck. there is some deep stuff going on here.
    if you call me or any of our readers you will come out a winner for sure.
    i will keep you in my prayers for your personal happiness to manifest in your life and to attract a happy man to enjoy life with.
    ~~~metta waves~~~

  2. stacy young

    when will i meet someone that has things in common with me and that will be mt sole mate i have been single for over 5 years and i am very lonely or when will i get the chance to rekindle my relationship with a old boyfriend either way it gose i need a person in my life other then my kids so i can be happy again once in my life i am so tired of being a lone and going through things by myself i need someone so i can to cry on there shoulders can you help me answer that question

  3. paul alex

    I always like to read your forecast because it helps me in planning my weekends and also my work days. This site is the most inspiring for . Please keep up the good work. Paul alex writing from nigeria .


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