Your Weekend Horoscope: Cancerian Principles

Comfort, Nurturing and Security

This weekend’s New Moon features a planetary pileup of four planets in Cancer: the Sun, the Moon, communicator Mercury, and motivator Mars. Every New Moon is an invitation to plant new seeds and to make a fresh start in the area of your chart where the New Moon falls. This month’s invitation embodies the Cancerian principles of comfort, nurturing, and security. Identify where you need to cultivate more of these qualities. Then, talk about your ideas with people who can help, and take action to set your self-care plan into motion. Your horoscope will reveal the area of your life that can most benefit from TLC. Here is your Weekend Horoscope!

Need a little cosmic TLC? An astrology psychic is waiting to give some to you!


There is no place like home, so you want to make sure your place is super sweet and cozy. Whether you’re single, coupled, or part of a family with kids, your living space should provide respite from the pressures of the outside world. Having harmonious relationships with the people who share your space is also essential to your peace of mind. The measures that you take to improve your home life during this Moon cycle will determine your domestic quality of life over the next year. If you question whether your closest loved ones understand you, this would certainly be a good time to express your vulnerability and show them who you really are.


Your Weekend Horoscope reveals your mental state and the way you connect and communicate. The people around you could benefit from a little loving care. Your predominant outlook reflects your relationships with relatives, neighbors, and the people that you encounter on a daily basis. If your mindset is mostly upbeat, this indicates that you probably have healthy relationships with people in your immediate environment. However, pessimism or mild depression may reveal a lack of meaningful connections. This Moon cycle invites you to express your affection for others and to do things to show them that you care. Nurturing your connections also helps to improve your state of mind.


Money! With the security-conscious New Moon in your house of income and possessions, you’ll be motivated to get money matters on track. This is certainly the best time of the year to pursue new streams of income and to make solid plans for your financial future. Just remember that the actions you take during the next two weeks may determine what you manifest in this area of your life over the next 12 months. So, focus on long-term returns instead of short-term gains. You might need to take a chance and venture into unfamiliar territory. However, you can always retreat back into your shell to recharge if you need a break.


Happy Birthday, Cancer! This is the only time of the year when the planets are perfectly aligned to support you. From now until the Full Moon, you should focus on setting new personal goals for the year ahead. Plant seeds for what you intend to accomplish and craft a plan to nurture them until you bring them to fruition. It’s a new year and a new you, so you might feel inspired to make big changes in your appearance. Get a bold new haircut or hair color. Update your wardrobe with a few items that reflect the person you are growing into. All efforts toward self-improvement will benefit from planetary support.


Your Weekend Horoscope indicates that you are winding down a busy 12 months. The nurturing New Moon encourages you to spend this Moon cycle catching up on rest and reflecting on where your life’s journey has taken you over the past year. Where would you like to grow in the year that follows your upcoming birthday? Slowing things down as much as possible will help you recharge and reset. You certainly don’t need to abandon your responsibilities and go off and live in a cave. However, you can benefit from doing things that nurture your spirit and help to heal emotional wounds.


You are a lucky duck, Virgo, because for you self-care means socializing and spending more time with your friends. That’s right! You will get the loving care and attention you need by hanging with your best friend, participating in group activities, and making new acquaintances. If you are feeling lonely, it’s a sign that you need to get involved with activities that can widen your social circle and bring new people into your life. Yes, it can be scary to venture outside your social comfort zone and interact with new folks, but once you get over your self-consciousness, you will be happy that you did.


Where do you want to go with your career? What do you want to accomplish? These are questions that you should ask yourself over the next two weeks. Talk to people who have experience with what you want to do and get some pointers that can help you. Focus on taking steps that can draw attention to your recent accomplishments and make people in your profession more aware of who you are and what you have to offer. This isn’t just about making an impact now, but setting the stage for your advancement over the next 12 months.


Do you hear that sound? It’s the call to adventure. This nurturing New Moon suggests that spreading your wings and exploring more of the world and what life has to offer will make you feel pretty good. Therefore, it’s a great time to start planning your next vacation. You might also feel moved to sign up for an interesting class or workshop. It doesn’t matter whether you expand your physical or mental horizons, as long as you pursue an activity that allows you to grow. Go on a nature walk in your local woods, commit to a spiritual practice, or get involved with cultural activities that allow you to mingle with people you wouldn’t normally encounter in your everyday life.


Physical contact, sex, and emotional intimacy might be the cure for what ails you. For you, self-care demands contact, closeness, and emotional connection. It isn’t always possible to meet your needs for physical or emotional intimacy when you are single or in a troubled relationship, so you will need to look to the next best thing for comfort. Treat yourself to a massage or commit to therapy if you need emotional healing. This will be a long-term process of reconnecting with your intimate self, but the steps that you take during the next two weeks can set the stage for healing and transformation.


With the New Moon in your opposing sign of Cancer, your ability to nurture yourself will be dependent upon your relationships with the people you are closest to. You may need to look to your significant other, a friend or a close colleague to fill in your self-care blanks and give you what you are incapable of providing yourself. You are super self-sufficient, so it can be awkward to be in a position of need. However, learning to request support when you need it is essential to your growth. No man or woman is an island. Therefore, you need to take the time to cultivate and nurture the connections that will support you through thick and thin.


The New Moon in nurturing Cancer invites you to take on self-care as if it were your job! Being in tip-top physical shape and maintaining a healthy lifestyle allows you to fully participate in life and to enjoy everything that is on offer. This is an ideal time to book a spa retreat or to kickstart a new fitness regimen. Pay attention to what you eat and how it makes you feel, and then tweak your diet to fit your current needs. Wellness provides the energy to be more efficient at work. Use this Moon cycle to improve your efficiency from the inside out.


Your Weekend Horoscope reveals that participating in activities you love, going on romantic dates, and spending quality time with kids are all things that will nurture you during this next Moon cycle. In this busy world, it’s easy to lose touch with the things that bring you joy. Therefore, it’s time to reframe your views on fun and remember it’s essential to your happiness. If you’re single, join an online dating service or do things that will introduce you to new people. Coupled Pisces can revive romance by getting involved in activities you both enjoy. The seeds you plant now will keep joy blossoming in the year ahead.

Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.

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