Venus Enters Pisces

If you find yourself longing for someone who isn’t just a compatible partner, but aligned with your soul’s purpose as well, it may be Venus in Pisces at work. That’s because this influence, which takes place from January 3 to February 1, 2009 (and again from April 11- 23, 2009) is about spiritual love and unearthly beauty – in all our lives. Love and beauty are the domain of Venus, while spirituality is the domain of Pisces. Combined, it’s the ultimate quest for a romantic ideal.

History lesson
In the realm of archetypes, the male Pisces lover is the knight in shining armor, the divine warrior and protector. He is also the artistic genius who has the gift of divine inspiration. Whether he’s a mystic, shaman, savior or artist, his power stems from his spirituality. The female Pisces lover is the damsel in distress. She’s the innocent victim who is deserving of being saved, but who may have to sacrifice her life for the greater good. On a higher level, she’s an angel in the form of a good witch or healer. Either way, she’s the essence of purity.

The dark side
Although we rarely manifest such perfection in reality, the Venus in Pisces archetype can be found in varying degrees of psychics, healers, volunteers, philanthropists and artists. On the other hand, the dark side of this influence is deception and disillusionment. It’s the alluring Lothario who seduces his lovers through false but enticing words. It’s also the rose-colored glasses of self-deception, which occurs when you place your lover upon a pedestal by refusing to acknowledge who they really are. Between these two extremes is the sensitive, romantic idealist who yearns for an ethereal bond with a partner.

Your sign
So how can this enchanting energy benefit your love life? Read your sign to find out!

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
It’s time to still your fiery nature and focus on the inner beauty of your relationship. For Aries, sharing your spiritual beliefs and insights or creating a sexy fantasy scenario can intensify your romantic connection. For Leo, creating an enticing retreat for love, along with some naughty role-playing, will stoke the flames of passion. For Sagittarius, beautifying your home and throwing a party (for two?) will inspire both romance and friendship.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
Reasonableness goes out the window as you embark upon an exploration of your deepest feelings. For Gemini, romance accelerates if you can sidestep your logical side and express what’s in your heart. For Libra, love can be found or enhanced by accessing your compassionate side and lending a helping hand. For Aquarius, showing your appreciation through a thoughtful gift of gesture is sure to fan the flames of romance.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Your practicality gives way to embracing the ethereal connection in your relationship and expressing the romance in your soul. For Taurus, socializing with close friends can bring insights about your direction and even prompt a romantic interlude. For Virgo, focusing on the spiritual and romantic ties in relationships can strengthen your partnership or bring in a soulful prospect. For Capricorn, words from the heart will deepen your relationship or inspire a new love.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Reveling your inner beauty will heighten your mystique and magnetism and help you manifest true love. For Cancer, getting clear about what you want from love will enable feelings to flow and help you perceive the future of your love life. For Scorpio, romance will take flight if you tear down your emotional walls and allow yourself to be vulnerable. For Pisces, your poet’s soul is revealed, so use your artistry to reveal your feelings and inspire true love.

Venus in Pisces has the spark of the divine, so whether it touches your heart through a lover, work of art or your connection to the Universe, it’s time to share the beauty of your soul.

What do your planets say about your love life? Talk to a psychic to find out more. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

4 thoughts on “Venus Enters Pisces

  1. barbara

    i want to know if weds going to be a good day with my doctor he knew and he is rude to me i feel that way i want to know if he is going to be in a better mood i see him weds please give me the answer with out a lie i am trusting you ,i read your thin every day .and sometimes you are right .i miss the # tester when you said i have $ coming or is it my lawsuit ? i need to know about that also i was hit in the back when i was back has got worst there is nothing hey can do to fix it.i had many yrs. ago 9 oration. sorry spell it wrong so my back is very bad ,thank you .also i lost my son he is in jail they gave him 30yrs no he did not kill anyone, his girlfriend said he beat her up but change her story 3xs and paid for the lawyer. Thank you very much.barb

  2. Julia

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