Monthly Archives: September 2009

Virgo the Healer

Do you know a Virgo who just seems to know what to say or do when you're feeling bad? That wouldn't be surprising, since Virgos are the healers of the zodiac. Their urge to be of service to others is part ... read more

A Case For Past Lives

Have you ever known someone for a short time but felt like you've known them forever? Or felt an immediate dislike to someone for no apparent reason? Perhaps you suffer from an ailment that doctors can't ... read more

The Ego Revealed

Why do so many spiritual traditions emphasize the death of the ego? Why does psychology discuss the importance of a healthy ego and strong self-esteem? Is it even possible to find a workable middle ground ... read more

Ask a Virgo

You are having problems with your lover, and your Virgo friend listens patiently to the tale. Your boss is totally driving you crazy, and analytical Virgo assesses the situation fairly. Your best friend is ... read more

Your Day, Your Choice

You wake up on the crabby side of the bed, you bump into the ex that dumped you on Facebook, and your mailbox is overstuffed with past due bills. On the surface any or all of this could make for a bad ... read more
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