The Year Ahead
This year with a stellium of planets in Capricorn highlighting your solar twelfth house, there is a strong focus on mystical affairs, helping others, healing, and endings. Solitude beckons and becomes both a strength and a comfort in your life as you look within, let go of old behaviors and beliefs, and become aware of new strengths and understanding. Your empathy and compassion increase tremendously this year, and while that is a gift and a blessing, it can also be uncomfortable, especially if you’re used to thinking instead of feeling. Do your best to simply allow this new level of feeling and emotion to emerge; it is making you a better person and awakening more of your authentic self.
Spirituality will hold great interest for you this year, and it’s important that you follow this call. Understand it is your own Soul asking for a deeper relationship, and as you explore the spiritual avenues that interest you, your innate wisdom begins to unfold as does your intuitive and psychic abilities. You may want to find a teacher or a mentor to help and guide you as your spiritual path beckons, or you may find that a close friend is also receiving this call to spirit, and you can explore together. Don’t be shy about sharing this with the people you are close to. The manner in which they respond will tell you whether the relationship will continue or if it’s one you’ve outgrown and need to release.
This year the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your connection with your partner are:
Jan 1 – Jan 13
Venus moves into your own sign of Aquarius and highlights your self-confidence, self-esteem, and attractiveness. Some people are the embodiment of cool, and with the influence of Venus in Aquarius you are most certainly one of those people. Feel free to be your quirkiest, most original self; only those that respond with delight need be considered.
Apr 4 – Aug 7
Venus moves into Gemini and lights up love, romance, and fun in your chart. Communication is highlighted during this transit and it is very likely that you’ll meet someone worthwhile online or through a dating app. Look for someone who enjoys your intelligence and creativity and doesn’t feel threatened by it.
Sep 7 – Oct 3
Venus enters Leo and activates marriage, partnership, and commitment. You enjoy the spotlight during this transit and like any feline, love being stroked and adored. If you are mated then ask your partner for the extra TLC you long for, and don’t be afraid to initiate affection. If you’re dating someone special, it’s likely the relationship evolves into a committed one.
Dec 16 – Jan 9/2021
Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and romance is in Sagittarius and activates friendship and social engagements in your chart. This is a very social transit so if you’re partnered, date nights are important. If you’re single, it’s very likely that you’ll meet someone while you are out enjoying friends and socializing.
Neptune in Pisces highlights your solar second house of financial affairs, prosperity, and values and is trine the North Node in Cancer highlighting your solar sixth house of work. How you feel about the work you do and the values that guide you regarding the money you earn and spend are incredibly important this year. If you love your job and the people you work with you are fortunate and all you need to do is continue to build on this foundation. If you work in a service or healing industry you are more likely to be fulfilled, and you have the opportunity to help make the lives of others better, which brings you happiness and enriches your life. If you are unhappy with your job, there is no better time to get in touch with what you genuinely want to do for work and to begin to take steps in that direction.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
The same stellium of planets that helps you go deeper within and calls you to introspection and solitude this year also warns that you not over-indulge or engage in addictive behavior or substances. The house that rules mystical affairs and spirituality also rules self-undoing, so it’s imperative that you stay away from people, places, and things that will cause you harm.
Look for a cause or an organization to volunteer your time; it needs to be something that speaks to your heart and invokes your compassion. You will be able to help so many people, and in turn, your kindness and service to others returns to you many ways. It doesn’t really matter whether you work on behalf of the environment, animals, children, etc. All that matters is how much you care, and how much you want to help and make a difference.
Making the Best of 2020
A reading with a Clairvoyant Psychic can help you see the path before you and guide you as the year unfolds.
Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.
Find an astrology psychic or learn more about astrology readings.
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