Money Matters: Relish the Now and Prepare for Tomorrow

Annie from St. James asks:

I recently got laid off, and I found a part-time job running a small sports club bar. I feel the break from the typical office job is relaxing and has offered me the opportunity to try something I would never have chosen. The money is no way near my previous salary. Is this worth the time to improve my bartending skills, or should I continue to look for a “regular” job?

Psychic Anya Dawn ext. 9179 Responds:

You have something to think over. Your “outlook” changed when you escaped routine business work. Other than the monetary issue, you like your new lifestyle change. Although it’s low paying, you’re receiving a taste of the new. Offering yourself a slice of the previously unseen has opened unexplored doors in you.

Trying to fit into your previous role is not the working environment you want. Happy decisions usually come about unexpectedly… after trying what doesn’t work! We repeat patterns that go nowhere because we hope we will receive a different answer to the same equation. Engaging in the ineffective past won’t bring you to a real future.

Go ahead, learn bartending skills. By allowing yourself to acquire more experiences, you will have a greater portfolio at your disposal. Plot a course and see what strengths you uncover in yourself. A dream career is mapped out from looking at which steps fit best. All successes are derived from talents discovered along the way. That’s why professions are referred to as a calling.

Creating outcomes suggest a plan already made. Since you savor your new “relaxing” position, why not find a similar one with better money than your last? A tentative plan of what you are aiming at will generate aftermaths you can take to the bank.

Your present situation “works” because you’re not putting everyone and everything else first. Doing right by others also involves doing right by you. You must be present to obtain real opportunities when they are made available. Everyday problems will still have to be juggled while you navigate your way. Don’t think this will be a deterrent.

Wise decisions occur when we feel we have no choice… Beginning points create stress, but you’re starting at a major crossroads where the disorganization will prevent unnecessary detours. This creates the ideal; a free falling feeling that maximizes the effect. You let yourself no longer accept restrictions from things that never got off the ground.

Solutions happen when they exist, not before the right conditions develop. Let yourself continue to have fun in your new line of work. Keep improving your options by increasing your job skills, experiences and also by making contacts. Locating your career niche eventually happens when you provide the necessary ingredients to get a winning recipe.

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