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Ask Your Spirit Guide

Hello my name is Alicia and I am a sensitive Clairvoyant medium but cannot always answer my own questions. So here is a question that I have been wanting an answer to. Who is the female presence that I ... read more

Channel Your Inner Ishtar

Ishtar was the great Mother Goddess in ancient Assyrian and Babylonian mythology. Believed to be the daughter of the sky-god, Anu, she presided over love, procreation, and war. Gradually over time, she ... read more

Womanly Wisdom

In Greek society, Hecate was known as the goddess of the crossroads. She was considered an underworld goddess, guarding the boundary between life and death -- between the world of the living and the world ... read more

Bring Out The Huntress

Diana, Roman goddess of the hunt, fertility and childbirth, bears all the qualities of the prehistoric mother goddess from whom she may have originated -- strong, independent, adventurous, creative, ... read more
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