Search Results for: meaning of

Reaching Out

It's no secret that helping others is a good thing to do. It's an act of kindness that repays itself in the look of appreciation in someone's face after you've lightened their load. But have you thought ... read more

The Silver Lining

Are you getting tired of hearing about nothing but doom and gloom - the economy, the wars, the credit crunch, the housing bust, banks dissolving, industries collapsing, species disappearing, the earth ... read more

Literal Dreams

Most dreams are symbolic, meaning the imaginary and scenarios are fantastic, exaggerated or otherwise unrealistic. If you dream of flying without an airplane or having sex with Hugh Jackman, then your ... read more

Venus Retrograde

Venus turns retrograde for roughly a six week period every 18 months. This year, the retrograde period of the Planet of Love will occur on March 6, 2009 in Aries, where she will appear to be ... read more

Sacred Unions

If you want to foster a deeper and more satisfying connection with your lover - one that will fan the flames for years to come and bring you closer than you thought possible, the secret isn't sexy ... read more
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