Your Weekly Tarot Reading: December 31 – January 6

The Power of Tarot

As we close out 2017 and prepare to enter 2018, your weekly tarot reading returns to Tori Hartman’s “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Guidebook.” Tori has come up with a fable for each of her cards, but I’ll focus on her topics of inspiration and personal inquiry. I’ll also include her meditation for each card. So, Happy New Year, everyone, and may our chakras be clear and bright in 2018!

Your detailed weekly tarot reading is waiting! Read with one of our talented tarot card psychics, like Psychic Julia, today.

Sunday (New Year’s Eve)

Day (Creation, She Shaman): “I will guide you to your muse.” Inspiration: Your path is an artistic one. Therefore, express your love in a tangible art form. Personal Inquiry: Am I waiting for someone’s permission to create my life? Meditation: Close your eyes and imagine She Shaman standing in the mist. Ask for her guidance and then pick up your notebook and write down whatever comes.

Evening (Soulmate, Rose Without Thorns): “It is time to face my true feelings.” Inspiration: To enjoy the beauty of a rose, we must also risk being pricked by our inner thorns. This offers a new way to live. Personal Inquiry: What truth am I embracing? This card indicates no longer living a lie. Meditation: Take a deep breath and ask the Great Spirits to help you face that which you long for. You weekly tarot reading says you now know how to handle your present situation.

Monday (New Year’s Day)

Day (Mysticism, A Woman Named Aubergine): “You are not to know.” Inspiration: It’s wise to be the observer. Therefore, do not respond until you’re certain. It’s no longer necessary to fear. Personal Inquiry: Am I ignoring my intuition? What I suspect is probably true. Meditation: See yourself in a crystal-clear pool. As you wade in the water, a whirlpool catches you. Aubergine is afraid you would leave if you weren’t captive. You have met your own fear.

Evening (Wisdom: Sage): “Wisdom is knowing the difference between a calculated risk and stupidity.” Inspiration: Is there some wise counsel you have sought, only to ignore it? Personal Inquiry: Do I go with my heart or against it? Meditation: Imagine yourself at a huge campfire when The Great Servant approaches you. He speaks to you not with words, but with energy. When you are ready, come back. What was his message?


Day (Discovery, Pink From Pinkton): “I am more than I think I am.” Inspiration: Are you trying to recapture a past that no longer fits? You may be seeking to keep something that is far less than what you deserve. Personal Inquiry: Am I happy in this situation? How is it benefiting me? Meditation: Imagine something that you are passionate about. Allow the feeling to well up inside you. Now begin a journey to the mountain of the Sky God. At the peak, the Sky God joins you and begins to speak. Your weekly tarot reading advises you to listen carefully.

Evening (Gossip, Charmaine Chartreuse): “I never met a person I didn’t like.” Inspiration: Charmaine Chartreuse suggests that appreciating differences is key. You may lose a valued relationship if you don’t appreciate what you have. Personal Inquiry: Charmaine is about prejudice and misunderstanding, so what am I resisting? Meditation: Visualize someone you may be judging harshly and notice how powerful your negative feelings are. Now picture being with that person and tell them what you like about them. You can accept this person as they are.


Day (Service, Honey Adams): “I attract to you whatever you desire if you give up your desire.” Inspiration: Are you seeing your life as it really is? Though we may wish for things to be different, often we create just what we need. Personal Inquiry: How does the idea of service inspire me? What can I give? Meditation: Keep relaxing until you find yourself in a place where you feel safe. Honey is there to visit you and be sure to explain to her why this place is safe. Your weekly tarot reading says she gives you a hug and thanks you for meeting her.

Evening (Rejection, Ivory Tower): “They won’t use me.” Inspiration: You don’t have to be “on the inside track.” Instead, be true to yourself and you will not be unhappy. Rejection is Spirit’s protection. Personal Inquiry: Am I working with or against my environment? Meditation: Imagine Divine Ivory light filtering down and encircling you. In the distance, the Ivory Tower beckons. You enter and at the top of the stairs is a door. Inside is the place of no judgment. You have finally found your way home.


Day (Confusion, Silver Cloud): “Every Silver lining has a cloud.” Inspiration: Through the willingness to be in confusion, we find clarity. Therefore, there is nothing to solve. Personal Inquiry: Can I see confusion as a good thing? Can I learn to let go of needing an immediate outcome? Meditation: Close your eyes and focus on one object in the room. When the object is no longer visible in your mind’s eye, relax even more deeply and breathe. You are now in the place of not knowing and it is completely safe. Ask for the highest good and this shall be revealed.

Evening (Growth, Grass): “Your message is best expressed when you are uniquely you.” Inspiration: Grass says: “Break away,” and it may be time for a change of scenery. Your weekly tarot reading suggests you visit a foreign country or learn something new. Personal Inquiry: What have I outgrown? Am I willing to become independent? Meditation: Find a peaceful place where you can listen to the sounds outside. Imagine watching the grass sway in the wind. Allow images to come to you as you see a road and wander down it. Where do you find yourself?


Day (Perfection, Righteous Raspberry): “I have the same high standards for myself as I have for others.” Inspiration: Are you being too hard on yourself, and consequently on others? Instead, begin to look for what’s right and good in your world. Personal Inquiry: Where am I presently focusing? Meditation: Think about the people in your life and find something good about every person who comes to mind before you release them.

Evening (Guilt, Saint Apricot): “I am sorry but I have to take care of myself.” Inspiration: Do not do for others what they need to do for themselves. Instead, speak the truth from your heart. Your weekly tarot reading reminds you that honesty is freedom. Personal Inquiry: Am I giving away too much time and energy, and then resenting it? Meditation: Imagine chains holding you down. As you relax, the links weaken and fall to the ground. With each thud, see a chunk of fear or guilt fall away. When you are free, get up and walk into a glowing light.


Day (Release, Shadow Grey Storm): “I can no longer keep your secrets.” Inspiration: This is a day to take personal responsibility and release blame. It’s also a time to move on. Personal Inquiry: This indicates healing family of origin issues. Meditation: To do this meditation, you must have no distractions. Shadow Grey Storm simply asks that you sit and listen and in the silence you will hear yourself.

Evening (Prayer, Cool Lemonade): “My prayers are answered.” Inspiration: Cool Lemonade is a reminder that there is always a plan, however, if you got sidetracked you will be guided back to your true calling. Personal Inquiry: If my most powerful thoughts are a form of prayer, how can I live in active prayer? Meditation: Think of the things that make you happy, knowing you cannot take them with you when you leave the Earth. Having all that you desire begins with taking what you need at the right time. Trust that you will be offered the best.

Looking for a deeper connection to Source? A tarot card reading is your answer. Tarot cards give you a direct connection to Source so you receive profound insights into your past, present, and future. Our tarot card psychics interpret Source’s messages so you know what you’re getting is the unadulterated truth.

Find a tarot card psychic or learn more about tarot card readings.

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