Animal Tarot: May 3 – 9

Animal Tarot: May 3-9 | California Psychics

The Power of Tarot

Hello, and welcome back.

The authors of the Animal Tarot, Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine, ask us to contemplate when and where we come across the same type of animal in print, on screens, in nature, or in our dreams. Wherever that is, our animal spirit guide is in the wings, waiting for an invitation from us.

The authors say that, “each animal species teaches us and helps us with a particular lesson.” Each has a spiritual specialty, and wants to cooperate with us in our spiritual growth, while receiving our love and care.

This deck has been translated into the highest vibration of Tarot! All descriptions are comforting, encouraging, and point us to our highest spiritual good.

It can be mixed with other tarot decks to give an additional layer of meaning. A favorite pet that has passed over can come to us through this deck as a spirit guide. They will speak to us in visions, feelings, and, of course, in words that we hear spiritually.

Animals are sent to us from Spirit in our times of need. A stray dog or cat showing up suddenly in our surroundings is an example of that. We can have several animal guides, each appearing at a particular time for a specific purpose. Let’s explore the loving and mysterious world of animals together now to see what the week holds!

May 3 – Sunday

Princess of Spring (Wands)

This card says that a new cycle of creativity will begin for you today. It could take many forms but will be something you are passionate about. Don’t be afraid to reach and dream. Whatever you decide to aspire toward, the butterfly image, so prominent on the card, promises it will bring with it transformation.

You may encounter a person who “rules” with optimism and creativity. She or he is eager to help you. Your soul’s evolution is entering a period of acceleration. Focus on clearing and building energy in the Sacral (second) chakra. It is from there that inventiveness will flow.

May 4 – Monday

Unity (Hierophant)

You will be called upon to be a mentor, and also to find a new one in a spiritual group for yourself. Leadership that includes tradition and true concern for all members will be highlighted today. To be guided on sacred journeys by an experienced teacher usually works best. Look for one who is protective and well-versed in the pathway you’re embarking on but who is at the same time able to be flexible and honor diversity.

May 5 – Tuesday

Four of Summer (Cups)

Don’t be so weighed down by responsibilities that you forget to enjoy yourself. Follow up on opportunities that drop out of the blue. You may stumble onto hidden treasure if you slow down. Look at all angles of the choices that present themselves, and like the tortoise on this card, proceed with caution.

An amazing fact about tortoises is that they live over one hundred years. They carry their sacred space along with them in their overarching shell. They’re extremely wise, probably because they move so slowly they notice everything. Today, do everything slowly.

May 6 – Wednesday

The Wheel (of Fortune)

All of a sudden, things start to roll forward in a positive way. The reindeer pulling this wheel are associated with Santa Claus, so expect good things to come your way! You may relocate to a new home or purchase a new car, skateboard, or bike.

Reindeer are so gentle they can be kept as pets but can run as fast as fifty miles per hour in a heartbeat. They are able to thrive in harsh environments. This is true about you right now.

May 6 – Thursday

Two of Winter (Swords)

Worrying and wondering what other people think is blocking a solution that spirit wants to give you now. Can you divide up clearly what you want for you, versus what someone else wants for you?

If compromise is necessary, then make arrangements for it, but get into motion. The answer is in your heart, so listen to that instead of the chattering voices in your mind.

May 7 – Friday

Three of Spring (Wands)

“Perseverance furthers”, the I-Ching tells us, and so does this Tarot card. Review your accomplishments and pat yourself on the back. Take a deep breath for patience as the next phase develops.

The Sea-Turtle is one of earth’s most ancient animals. It can take some species of Sea-Turtle decades to reach maturity. They represent long-term effort and planning. Remain steadfast and persistent today and rewards will come.

May 8 – Saturday

The Star

Hope and joy are coming home to roost! The Oriole on this card is a symbol of good fortune. Recent challenges are at the beginning of their end. The vivid orange color of this animals wings symbolize much better times and lots of energy.

Oriole eggs hatch in about two weeks time, so expect a positive transformation in your life within two weeks. Here’s a hint: singing happy songs will bring down the goodies.

A Fun Spread to Try:

Embracing Change 5 Card Spread

Shuffle the deck well while concentrating on a change you would like to see happen. Place the deck face down on the table.

When you are ready to begin reading, pull five cards randomly from the deck while concentrating on your desired change. Arrange the cards in the following order, turning them over one at a time.

Card 5


Card 4              Card 2             Card 3


Card 1

Card 1- Which actions and attitudes will ease the transition?

Card 2- Who and what supports me in this change?

Card 3- What will I gain from this proposed change?

Card 4- What do I need to let go of to accomplish it?

Card 5- What do my angels, guides, and Higher Power most want me to know about this change?

 Thanks for joining me again this week.

As you get ready to celebrate Mother’s Day this year, I hope it’s full of fun and frolic with your “family”, no matter the species!

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2 thoughts on “Animal Tarot: May 3 – 9

  1. Jo

    ,05/04/2020.The Turtle….Is I…through this journey take it slower! I want visionalize Goood When It Shows-Up In My Face.Trust Me. The Universe Has Heard My Prayers SOoo, Since Their-In My Corner.RE-Act-That-Way!!! If I Don’t Know WHOM To TRUST…..
    TRUST-In-THE-UN-Seen-HEAVENLY-HOST!(ThatWorksForMe).Each-Day Is A New Opportunity 2 Shine! A Chance 2 give the past a kick in the PANTS!! And The Present Moments (NOW) A Bear-Hug!
    Love Big,Play hard & eat Dessert, Savor-the-Simple Things….And Don’t Worry about The-REST! CHOOSE Today 2 be Amazing!!!


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