Red Responds: How Long is It Going to Last?

D in Washington writes:

Lately I’ve been experiencing a lot of obstacles in my life. I’ve been looking for a job for months and, although I usually have no problem finding work, have been dealing with rejection after rejection. I have also been trying to find an agent or publisher for a novel I’ve written and have had nothing but rejections in that area, as well.

My sweetheart and I are trying to sell our home in another state, as circumstances beyond our control have changed our financial status for the worse, but the market’s collapsed in that state and we’re not getting any offers. We’ve had to rely on credit for some of our expenses and it’s scary. We have our health, thank goodness, and one of us has work, but unless we sell or rent out our house, we’ll soon be in dire straits. I’ve been working on finding the humor in this situation, because it’s just been one thing after another, but I gotta tell ya, it’s tough. Can you give me any insight as to whether this is going to last? I know part of the reason for this is so I learn compassion, perseverance, etc., but enough, already!

Dear D,

I commend you for holding on to the positives of the situation. So many people become consumed by the challenges they face, that they fail to be thankful for the good things that remain.

Life-lessons aside, you are a bit of a victim of circumstance. The real estate market as a whole is in hard times, and you are certainly feeling the effect. The economic situation that surrounds the house you have for sale is struggling, which has a lot to do with the lack of interest in your place. If you can ride out the storm, that house will eventually prove to have been a good investment, even though it feels like an albatross now. The better avenue seems to be geared toward gaining tenants for your home, rather than buyers. You may want to consider renting it out at a minimal price. While this may not provide much (if any) disposable income, it will help to alleviate your monthly expenses. I would also suggest offering short-term leasing options while keeping your house on the market. I do see your house selling, but not until mid-fall.

Trying to find work can be quite discouraging after a rejection or two. I also see that not a whole lot of good-fitting positions are being advertised. Try your best not to let it get you down, and tackle this challenge from a more creative point of view. While you are scouring the Internet for viable positions in your area, keep your eyes open for telecommuting opportunities and other positions that will allow you to work from home – but not the business opportunities and scams that require you to fork out your limited cash.

I’m not quite sure exactly what you will fall into, but inquire about anything that deals with advertising and writing. You will find something that will have you typing a couple of hours a day for pay. Initially, the money isn’t all that great, but something is better than nothing. Ultimately, it is a stepping stone, that will carry you through this difficult time, and lead to a more profitable and independent kind of life. While I can’t rule out you finding a more “regular” job sometime toward the end of June, I’m not certain that you’ll choose to go back to that kind of life.

Finding the proper literary agent or publishing house is no easy task. Keep at it, and you will eventually reap the rewards. If you can, check with your local college to see about attending the next writers forum or lecture. There is some key information that will help get the ball rolling for you, mainly in terms of developing the proper contacts. Your other option is to look into self-publishing, but that is a project that will have to wait until this fall, when your financial situation is back in a more balanced state.

Keep your chin up and eyes wide open. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, and it is blazing brightly for you.

Good luck!
Ext. 9226

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