Why You Should Start a Gratitude Journal

Gratitude Journal

November is the Perfect Time to Start a Gratitude Journal

Have you ever seen those Facebook hashtag challenges? They’re usually 30-day challenges that ask you to be mindful and share one thing every day. A popular hashtag challenge is #blessed. During the month of November, it’s all about #grateful, just in time for Thanksgiving. Do you have a lot to be grateful for?

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You Don’t Always Get a Break

For many people, Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and show appreciation before the New Year begins, but it’s not always easy. Life doesn’t stop when we want it to, even during this “most wonderful time of the year.” Sometimes we may just be having a gloomy day. Other times, bigger issues occur, like breakups, family issues and health problems. You don’t always get a break when you want it. So how do you turn your burdens into bliss? You start a gratitude journal.

A Gratitude Journal

Gratitude is something that we psychics like to show every day. It allows Spirit to see our successes and appreciation, so our guides know we’d like to continue receiving the good vibes they’ve given. Yes, this is sometimes difficult in traumatic situations or depressions, but I really urge you to keep a gratitude journal. You don’t have to do it forever—just try it for the holiday season. Every night, right before you go to bed, list five things that make you feel thankful for your life. It could be anything, including a warm meal on a chilly day or a friendly chat you had with a stranger.

The Bad Days

Not only does a gratitude journal make you acknowledge the good in your life; on bad days it gives you plenty of reminders that life is still good. All you have to do is go back through your journal and see the wonderful things that have already happened. This will certainly pull you out of a funk! You’ll learn to be more aware of the things you truly love about your life, and it will naturally become easier to feel grateful and happy over time.

Finding Gratitude in These Challenges

Life is filled with not-so-great situations, so let’s take them and turn them into something a little more positive. Here are a few examples:

The Passing of a Pet

You’ve just lost a furry friend who has shown you unconditional love and you feel defeated and heartbroken. Understandable. But in your gratitude journal you should write about this loving soul that blessed your life. It will help you heal faster.

Not Getting the Job You Want

Instead of thinking you aren’t ever going to get your big break, consider a rejection as a sign that the job you applied for wasn’t meant to be yours and that your dream job is still out there. You’ll bounce back from rejection faster.


Your gratitude journal will reassure you, no matter what you’re going through. Good will inevitable come back into your life and you know this to be true because you have a journal that is filled with all the good you have already experienced. A gratitude journal is like a balm for your wounds and it also makes you more empathic towards other people who are also struggling.

It takes a few minutes each night to write in a gratitude journal, but those few minutes are very powerful. They will help you feel more content, peaceful and more willing to help others. Learn to be thankful every day—not just on Thanksgiving!

So what are you thankful for right now? Add your comment below and let me know!


Psychic Marin ext. 5113

30 thoughts on “Why You Should Start a Gratitude Journal

  1. Ivy x5198

    Hugs and Namaste:) Marin thank you so much. I to have gotten too busy! Thank you for brining me back to center…I have a gratitude journal looking at me while I am writing this…Yup..Time to pick it up and keep it:) Thank you again!!! Hugs!!
    Ivy x5198

  2. Sage X5813

    I am cancer free and feeling the best I have ever felt, this caused me to change my lifestyle for the better and for this I am eternally grateful.

  3. marin5113Psychic Marin #5113

    Valerie – Manifestation at its finest!
    Sometimes we turn over our problems with prayer. Sometimes we will ourselves to change a situation.
    What you have is a successful working relationship with your guides. Use it in alignment with positive deeds and your divine purpose and it will continue to serve you well.
    Marin #5113

  4. marin5113Psychic Marin #5113

    Leigh – Prefect timing. No coincidence here.
    I personally keep separate journals for different subjects, nicely displayed on a shelf, and then select the appropriate journal depending on what it is I am wanting to write about. I prefer to have a variety of styles for my journals, (images, material or color), because they bring forth a different energy that you can literally feel while holding them.

  5. marin5113Psychic Marin #5113

    Blessings to you Donna Maria, and thank you for sharing your situation and revelation. I am glad that reading my article gave you the inspiration to reflect on your many blessings (yes, you do have many) and feel the gratitude shift in your life. May we all take a moment to pause and do this… often.
    Sometimes when things are falling apart, they are actually falling into place! I am sure you can now attest to this.
    Marin #5113

  6. Donna Maria

    After resigning from a job of 28 years (for moral and ethical reasons), I fell into a deep depression. It has been challenging, to say the least. It has been over a year and my savings have been depleted as I have 3 children I am raising on my own, without the presence of their father, physically and financially. My health became affected by the depression, as well and I have been turned down by every job for being overqualified or I just don’t get a response, the business I was planning on opening fell apart as my partner’s wife announced that her affair was moving her to wanting a divorce. The gentleman I had been dating for 6 months has stepped up and taken over.
    I am so grateful for the beautiful home he has put us in, for taking care of my children better than their father ever would, for giving me the opportunity to spend time with my kids; to be home every day when they get home from school and has afforded me the luxury to attend after school football games to watch my daughter cheer….my two younger children went through a very emotionally debilitating time and since my presence is here every day, they have made incredible strides!!! I am truly blessed and I know, myself, that there are so many days that I seem so ungrateful because he may not give me the amount of money that I think I need but in hindsight, I have everything I need. I want to ask the Universe/God for forgiveness because as in writing this I truly realize how very much I have to be grateful for!!! I may not have everything I want but I sure have everything I need….the time I am able to spend with my kids is priceless and after working 16 hour days for so many years, I see how desperately my children needed me!! My middle son is on the honor roll and has been free of any trouble and my daughter is thriving and conquering her anxieties. Thank you Universe/God for my many blessings.
    Thank you for the opportunity to express my thoughts into words. God bless all of you with happiness, abundance and love.
    Donna Maria

  7. Ivory Psychic ext 6551

    I am grateful for the house that I live in that has become my home, my wonderful pet pugs that are my fur babies, our health and a career that affords me the opportunity to help people every day with their struggles, questions and fears.

    If you are experiencing turmoil in your life right now and could use some spiritual counseling or guidance I would be honored to assist you through your struggles.

    Ivory #6551

  8. Leigh

    Funny thing, I recently decided to try a new day planner/journal system. And here’s your article, a reminder that I need to get back into the habit of gratitude journaling. I have too many journals laying around that don’t get used the way they should, so am trying to combine everything into one holder with smaller folders that can be swapped out once full. A gratitude journal will fit perfectly into my new system. I have a lot to be grateful for amid the usual struggles of life and need to acknowledge it more often. Thanks for this timely reminder, Marin!

  9. LYDIA

    Good morning Universe, I’m thankful for another day, I am thankful for being alive, I am thankful for having a tender and loving son, I am thankful being able to see the light, birds signing and I am thankful because I had the strength to speak to Raffo yesterday. I am thankful for the music, Iam thankful for every little tiny thing that comes my way. I am thankful for being ME.

  10. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    After dying and crossing over twice, I’m just happy, and grateful, to wake up every morning….lol…..crossing over ( twice ) really changes one’s perspective on life in general. I figure the third time I die will be the charm, so I’m grateful for each day.

    Wonderful article, Marin !!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  11. Trine

    I’m so grateful for u and this article 🙂
    This site inspires me everyday, thank you all for your great attributions to my life 🙂

  12. Patricia


  13. Sandy

    I am thankful and blessed for having two sons that mean the world to me. They have grown into great men and wonderful and caring Fathers. I am also grateful to have my mother still with me and in our family. With health problems I am grateful that I am able to deal with the pain. I am most grateful to have God so much in my life. My faith is what gets me thou life situations I have had to face.

  14. Donna

    I am grateful for my family. We’ve faced some very difficult times, but together we’ve overcome much and become closer and more sensitive to others. An open heart heals and rewards.

  15. Manasseh Damulak

    Thanking you Marin Ext:- 5113.
    Ihave so much to thank God and people for my growth in office by promotion and still expecting more promotions again this year. Thanking my community, family and admiration from others.

  16. Fanny Cho..

    I thankful for God giving our family natural beauty healthy safety happy everthing meant to be and surrounding with good people good energy.


    Fanny C.

  17. sudershan tinjni

    thank u first of all for the great article. BY reading such articles one becomes grateful eventually. thanks once again.

  18. Valerie

    after being forced to produce documents, and being at a loss as to how I was going to provide these to back up a family situation, out of the blue a salesman arrived with the most amazing technology that would allow me to do just what I was being asked to do! I thank my angels ….

  19. Theresa Hendrickson

    I am Grateful For My Boyfriend And My Dad has an Inspiring Advice for Every where I go Out side

    Any type of Food That I like and water to drink

    My DREAM is to Be an Soccer player and Bowling player and Mini Golf player

    and Of course Art teacher or Music Rapper and Comedian is My pure hidden Talent

    I wanted to be An Role model for Any People Every where For Helping All kinds of Happiness E.T.C

    Working With Any Cameras On Any Runway Carpets for Helping and Caring All Kinds of Peoples

    I will be an Awesome True Best Friend and Someones Girlfriend and No Ones is Perfect

    I will Be Giving Someone Advise About Everything and Life Lessons Questions

  20. Marita

    Thank you for I am seeing the family reconciliation soon. I am grateful that I was been able to joined the Pilgrimage to Spain, Portugal and France for I have seen, step and breath the air where our Blessed Virgin Mary had her Miracles. The beautiful Cathedral and churches. I am so happy today, that all faces I meet were smiling back at me and I meet this wonderful woman Irene Standish, she is spiritual woman and I wish I will be like her she is 82 yrs old and still looking great and healthy.

  21. Nancy

    I have so much to be grateful for. At my age (senior citizen) I have a son who loves me and calls frequently, a job with people who care about me when other places would not hire me because of my age, the ability to go to work each day to supplement my retirement so that my son need not worry or be burdened, a safe place to live, and friends. I have relatively good health (knee needs replacing, chronic bronchitis, and the usual aches and pains of very adulthood) with no major illnesses. I can still enjoy my needlework hobbies and gardening. My life is good even with the “speed bumps” that pop up from time to time. MUCH to be grateful for!

  22. Marivell

    I’m grateful that I decided to stay up a little longer and do a translation I have managed to finish… I am grateful for the good night’s sleep this has ensured me both because I am very tired AND because I don’t have this piece hanging over my head.
    I am grateful at how life gives me what I need just when I need it…
    I am also so grateful and happy that most the time I have the “cup is more than half full…” attitude, and when I don’t… I get shown that it is…
    Night night 🙂

  23. Manon Laurin

    I’ve learned that having a gratitude journal will show how to help others. I have stuggled with work issues all my life and I have never been able to give my contribution to help others. Now I know that if I do my gratitude journal, I will learn to help others.
    This information will save my life,

  24. Laura Giacomantonio

    Hello! Hope you are having a Wonderful Day! I started a Gratitude Journal six days ago. actually I started one awhile ago, but am following a book called “MAGIC”. I don’t know if I have really had any Magic happen yet? But I seem to be handling things a little better. I am singling taking care of my aging, ill,and angry Parents. It is hard to help someone that does not want to help themselves. I try to put myself in there position. I also try to do everything with Love! I am divorced, Mother of 4, Grandmother of five, and I am on my own. I am still (after nine years of being divorced), trying to get my money. I am a PT Nanny. I am SO VERY GRATEFUL for my Life! It can be a Struggle, but it is My Life! I am so Truly Thankful and Grateful, for all of the little things Life has to offer!! Just keeping a Positive outlook Always!! I know my Magic is on its way!! Have an Awesome Day!!! NAMASTE

  25. marin5113Psychic Marin #5113

    Thank you Marisol for taking time to read the article and comment.
    The fact that you are a mindful mother, and even thinking about what your daughter is capable of understanding speaks volumes about your attuned parenting style. As a mother of two myself, I know what a blessing children are. Something to be grateful for every day, and more importantly, to let them know this…. even when they drive us crazy.
    Marin #5113

  26. Marisol

    I am grateful for my family who is looking out for me and my daughter. Being a single mom has its struggles, but I have family to help out. I am also thankful for having a beautiful daughter who fills my life with joy. Sometime I think she understands things so much more than I give her credit for. I hope she grows up to be a strong woman and becomes a great leader, no matter what she chooses to do in life.


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