If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Your Mother

The Importance of Mothers

Mothers, our strongest karmic connection—and the person we choose to make our journey to earth in—hold the key and are able to unlock the door to our nature, personality and character. Hopefully they do this with love.

Recently, my mother passed away. It was a peaceful passing. I think this is the best we can pray for—to pass without pain or regrets. That “escaping pain” is a magic trick—one gotten by way of prayer and positive thinking. The desire to see a father, mother, husband and other family members that were embraced while alive is spoken about and often seen by the dying person, gives comfort. Knowing that there is a welcome wagon to whatever plane of consciousness one lands on or travels to makes the trip to the hereafter a more pleasant one.

So many of my friends and people I am in contact with on a regular basis are in the same situation as I was in for the past few months. It was kind of like a cluster of mother vibrations driving us women a little off the deep end within our thinking. The sharing of stories and support held me up while going through the process of letting go. Now that my mom and dad are both gone, I said to my husband, “I now know what it feels like to be an orphan.”

When choosing our parents, I think that even if they are not perfect moms and dads they hold many lessons—based on our personal karma from past lives our choice is usually very wise and gives us what we need most in this lifetime to grow and keep moving forward.

For the past few months I pondered my experience with my mother. I remember her story—that story that so many moms tell about being in labor for eighteen hours without drugs and how much it hurt to have a larger than medium size watermelon baby pass through the birth canal. This story usually came up when I was being hard to deal with, which according to my mom was quite often. Being the only kid for six years, I got to bond with my grandparents, mom and dad without distraction. I realized that I was the distraction that kept my mom and dad from having privacy at the beginning of their marriage.

My mother dressed me up in pretty dresses and Mary Jane shoes. My hair was long and blond, which I think my mom was jealous of because my dad loved it. I remember being about 10 years old when she asked me if I wanted to cut it. I said sure, and I had my first short haircut, which I must admit she did quite well. I looked so much older which I liked and yet it was a point of contention for my parents.

As time wore on and my first sister was born, I lost ground with my mom and when starting kindergarten, found that the sight of the bus made me sick and I would throw-up every day. They had to take me out of school for the whole year. Talk about being attached to one’s mother!

My mom was a non-judgmental person, with great fashion sense and a way of making those in her realm laugh. She gave me freedom to make my own mistakes and showed me how to love a man no matter what, as she spent her whole life with my dad.

I count my blessings as I recall my life with my mother and to all those who are brave enough to embark on the path of motherhood, I hold up my glass and toast “May your experience with each other be meaningful, fun and enlightening. May we hold each other in high regard and never forget that this is the greatest connection to another human being that we will ever have.”

13 thoughts on “If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Your Mother

  1. Sunetra

    I completely identify with the article. I too have lost my mom recently and I am shattered at this situation. Yes she left peacefully and silently as she always was…quietly and solidly supporting us from behind. She supported me in all my endevours but I could not understand that and have been so very undeserving of her love…I have been a very difficult daughter with giving her hell in lieu of all the love she gave me. I now am going through a crisis of having failed her as a daughter…and nothing can assuage the pain of this realization. Try and pray as hard as I can, i can’t bring her back to atone for the sins that i have committed towards her. I sincerely pray that I am born to her again in my next birth so that i can prove my self as worthy of her love. I deeply miss her and wish GOD had given me a warning to behave myself and not hurt my mom but I lost her. She left before my own eyes and it has been the most horrifying experience that will never heal…

  2. Hala Ghoneim

    I also lost my mother Iwas so attached to her I always feel that she is near me I even talk to her I feel and I am quiet sure that she is always around me.Sometimes when I am feeling depressed or there is something I am thinking about and I cannot take an action or find a solution I go to her grave and speak to her as if she is going togive me the soluition or give me an advice.I always pray to GOD and ask him tolet me see my mother in my dreams Thank GOD this happens.Her in Egypt there is a family gathering every Friday SO,I go to her every Friday early in the morning I read to her QURAIN AND PRAY THAT GOD REST HER SOUL IN PEACE. At the end we will never forget them they will be with us always May GOD give us patient to try to get over this ruff time and soon we are going tomeet them

  3. quinn ext 5484

    dear blake,
    the harder the situation the more our mother/child karma we work off. the struggles the blames the sadness the sorrows, as hard as they are are just old karmic issuse being addressed and washed away.
    we learn how to be better partent, better people from the harshness put upon us, to get good grades to grow up and be happy, not to do drugs, get involved with the wrong people,etc.
    sometimes our folks are not the brightest examples of partents yet we can learn not how to act by their actions.

    i grew up before cps was a thing. and i got a spanking when i was bad. in my whole life that lesson taught me never to put my hands on another human being in a violent way. i have never hit another person in my whole life. i consider this a blessing.

    i pray you can find the good that you learned from even the bad times.

  4. Blake

    This was a beautiful post. But what about the moms that live with resentment and regret and who(despite how much you do for them to keep the peace) take the brunt of their frustration out on you? A mother who constantly reminds you of
    how much of a mistake you were and how much you owe her for even being here you have Yoooooo

  5. Suzie

    Dear Quinn, I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing these beautiful remembrances. May her memory continue to be a blessing. Lots of love.

  6. quinn

    hi everyone,
    faith, miss krystal, abigail, Lj, cheryl and mark from the UK,
    thank you for your kind words.
    much love,

  7. LJ

    Quinn, my condolences – I lost my mom many years ago, but she’s always with me. Funny how I should read this now, how you wrote it now, when I’m having an even deeper connection with my mom lately – now more than ever. It’s nice to know they’re always around and always there to talk to – and they’re listening. This was a beautiful piece that I will print out and put in a book where I keep all of my favorites to look at over and over again. Thank you. Peace and Love,

  8. Cheryl Klein

    I loved this article and it made me smile and reflect on my own mother who passed 7 years ago. My mother had such a profound effect on my life and I was so blessed to be loved unconditionally by such a remarkable woman.

  9. Faith ext. 9608Faith ext. 9608

    God Bless you both Quinn and Abigail – and the Angels surround.

    Lovely article Quinn.

    Happy Easter weekend!

    Blessings, Faith ext. 9608

  10. marc from the uk

    Hello Quinn,

    I have always enjoyed your blogs, today, how can I say I enjoyed reading your news, but in a way I am happy for you, you are fortunate to be wise and worldly, and your expression and heartfelt memories that you are able to share with us has been welcomed. You have shown how human you are, as well as spiritual.

    Mark from the Uk

  11. Abigail EX 9570

    Beautiful my friend I just lost my mother too…. Cyber hugs to you. My solice is I know the spirit never dies

    Many Blessings


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