5 Ways to Heal Your Karma

If the Universe Threw a Rock at You, You Probably Started It!

Karma is one of those strange things that no one believes in until the universe corrects whatever you are doing—and believe me, after all fifteen years in this business of watching otherwise good people do stupid and bad things, when the universe decides it’s time to get even, it comes with a vengeance.

Most of the time, the biggest part of being a counselor is to help people clean up messes that are usually self-induced. These stories always start with the same line from the person who needs help. Man, it just came out of nowhere… and I never saw it coming!

Out of nowhere started somewhere. If the universe threw a rock at your head, it wasn’t out of nowhere, and you, not the universe, were the one that started the fight in the first place.

Karma, in that sense, is just another way of saying cosmic retaliation. Start a fight with a higher power by doing something stupid, and out of nowhere comes your new reality until the score is settled and the universe is once again at peace. This might be a minor adjustment, such as getting your car hit at the mall, or this could be in the form of a major adjustment where you lose everything you have and will never have anything again. Here are a few rules of karma (gleaned from so many years of cleaning up clients’ litter boxes):

Rule #1: Give more than you take. We want and we want, but we give nothing back. You have to give more than you take. Do something besides going through life as a taker instead of a giver.

Rule #2: Anger backspills. Two important words to learn if you want to live at peace and be successful over time are “forgive and forget.” Anger is perhaps the most destructive of all emotions in that it spills back on you so often. Forgive, forget and move on, people!

Rule #3: Rotten members and bad so-called friends are black holes. Negative people create black holes around themselves that constantly suck the life and energy out of their surroundings. Don’t go through life constantly washed over by negativity by someone who doesn’t enjoy his or her own life and who’s mad because you enjoy yours.

Rule #4: Arrogance is Rewarded! The state of mind you should be seeking that’s the functional equivalent of arrogance is confidence. Be confident in what you do, but be humble enough to realize that there is still more to learn.

Rule #5: You Are a Role Model. Do something nice for someone who needs it. The table might turn one day! (You get the point!) Dedicate the rest of the year to building up some good karma, because it might be a matter of time before you accidentally throw that first rock!

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8 thoughts on “5 Ways to Heal Your Karma

  1. -quinn ext.5484

    so nice to see other chanters posting…
    if anyone is interested in nichiren buddhism just type it into your seach bar. there are independent buddhists as well – sharing the dharma of the lotus sutra.
    namu myoho renge kyo
    namu myoho renge kyo
    namu myoho renge kyo

    with metta,

  2. Suzanne Taichert

    For changing/improving one’s karma, I enjoy chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, loosely translated as the Mystic Law of Cause and Effect. Chanting helps me to keep mindful and positive.
    See website SGI-USA.org for more info.

  3. Jessica

    I’m sure this article was well-intentioned, but for me, it reads in a hostile way. I work with people too, and each person is unique and comes with their own set of experiences, their own unique outlook. Each person is entitled to learn and grow, and in working with people, I accept that each client deserves a clean slate with me: that is, it would be unfair and unethical for me to bring to a new relationship with a new client, my accumulated frustration with people. That’s what I hear in this article–accumulated frustration.

    Just because any one of us who work with people, have worked with 3428 people so far, and see a pattern in the way people do or don’t take responsibility, it doesn’t make the 3429th client responsible for everything I’ve heard before, and shouldn’t make the 3429th client the scapegoat for my frustration with all those who went before. Personally, I feel that if it does, then it means the counselor is experiencing burnout, and needs to take a look at him- or herself. Healers are not meant to judge, we’re meant to guide toward wholeness.

  4. -quinn ext.5484

    Cause and effect is absolute – what goes around comes around. Karma is the universal law of cause and effect.
    Everything we think, say and do is a cause which in turn has an effect. The effect in turn becomes a cause. That is the circle of karma. From personal karma to family karma to past life karma our actions, thoughts and words are the expression of our life condition.
    -Quinn ext. 5484


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