Breaking The Ice

People are doing it all the time - at bars, cafes, dog parks and elevators. Ordinary people, not only exceptionally courageous individuals, are approaching and talking to complete strangers. What is it ... read more

Love Facts

It may be continually debated that men and women are from different planets, but are they really? Sure, we feel love as an emotion, but like most things, there's actually a science to it. These little ... read more

Is It Love or Lust?

At some point in your romantic career, you've probably wondered if what you were experiencing is the real thing (as in true love) or simply infatuation. Love and lust are easily confused for two reasons. ... read more

Romance Builders

Life doesn't always feel romantic - particularly once you've been in a relationship a while. But there are little things you can do to keep the sparks flowing. Try these tips for adding a little something ... read more

Celebrate Singlehood!

We singletons have a tendency, on occasion, to bemoan the fact that we haven’t found a person with whom to settle down… and the truth is being alone can be lonely… But it doesn’t have to ... read more
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