How To Increase Your Luck in Love

Two girls walking down the beach, with their arms around each other. They are smiling as the breeze blows their hair back.

Finding That Romantic Spark

Some people have all the luck in love: they meet plenty of people, have success on their dates, and are generally happy in their relationships. Other people sometimes seem to have uneventful love lives — or they experience downright misfortune.

The truth is that there’s enough luck to go around for everyone. Love comes to people when they’re ready for it. It doesn’t appear overnight. Instead, it takes time to develop and grow. Fortunately, there are certain steps that you can take to help the process along.

Here are a few things you can do right away to make yourself luckier in matters of love.

1. Remember You Deserve the Best

Feel like a winner, and believe that good things are coming your way sooner or later. Being pessimistic isn’t going to help you find love. Remember that you deserve a healthy relationship with long-term potential (if that’s what you want). To find that, you are going to have to banish your negative thoughts and feelings. Doom and gloom may attract someone interesting, but they may not be equipped for the type of loving, earnest relationship you deserve.

Start manifesting positivity — and you can begin doing that by working on your self-worth. There’s nothing wrong with wanting the relationship (and partner) of your dreams. That doesn’t mean that you should be a snob, and it doesn’t mean that you should rely on your partner to do all the work in the relationship. However, trust that you can find someone who makes you truly happy, and don’t settle for a bad match out of fear or anxiety. The right person for you is out there.

2. Embrace Your Romantic Side

Get excited about the idea of being in a relationship. Picture yourself falling for someone. For many people, it’s one of life’s greatest experiences. Imagine yourself meeting someone who makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. You may not be able to see their face in your thoughts and dreams, but you can sense who this person is — from what characteristics they may have to how they will make you feel.

The more you open your heart to the idea of being in love, the sooner you could find yourself in the middle of it! When you are clear on what you want from your partner, you’ll have a much better chance of identifying those traits once you meet someone. Though the notion is controversial to some, open your mind to the possibility of true love (or at the very least, true romance).

3. Say Yes To New Opportunities

Instead of cocooning yourself indoors and revising your online dating profile for the millionth time, step away from the computer. Look for opportunities to do activities outdoors, and say yes to events or outings that get you out of the house. Even a pottery class or an academic course on a topic of interest could be a good idea.

There’s no guarantee that you’ll meet a potential romantic partner, but in the worst-case scenario, you’ll be gaining new skills and having new experiences. In the best-case scenario, this gives you a chance to meet people who share your interests and passions face-to-face. Many find it much easier to identify a “spark” with someone when they’re in person.

At the very least, get into the habit of meeting new people anywhere and everywhere you can. You may just find that your dream partner has been six degrees away from you all along.

4. Listen To Your Instincts

You can’t win someone over if you don’t approach them. In fact, taking action is the most important part of manifesting good luck in anything, and that includes love. Sitting around and waiting for someone else to come to you only increases the possibility that you’ll never get to know them.

So, if your gut is telling you something, listen to it. Go up and talk to that attractive stranger, or ask your crush out. Likewise, if you get the feeling that something isn’t right, cut things off. You subconsciously pick up on all sorts of signals that you may not identify otherwise. Stop ignoring your instincts and start stretching your intuition. If you need support in that process, consider reaching out to a spiritual leader or psychic advisor.

There’s nothing worse than romantic uncertainty, but you don’t have to navigate the ebbs and flows of love alone. A Love Psychic is always available to help and a Psychic Love Reading is exactly what you need to get your relationship on the path to forever. Learn more about our psychics from real testimonials. For more insight about love and your astrological chart, get your free birth chart report or check out your Weekly Love Horoscope.

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6 thoughts on “How To Increase Your Luck in Love


    Yes am one of the person that experience love relationship upliftment ,am in the wilderness for years looking when my miracle will come, I took a big risk to travel to Seychelles with my last money with my wife for tourist but when we get there Seychelles very expensive which we never know before we spent almost our money before planing to go back my country Nigeria we got a nice job to my great dearest woman am proud of,because am in love relationship the full moon transit with libra favour me and my wife, so love is so great and respetfull with patience in meditation

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Love this paragraph from the above article !!!

    Well done, Natasha !!!

    Act with Love

    If you truly want to become lucky in love, live your days filled with love. Be kind to others, make new friends, adopt a furry friend and fill each action with love. It is a universal fact that we attract what we put out into the world. The more you live a life full of love, the more chances you have of attracting it, finding it and holding onto it.

    Remember that love comes with time, so don’t rush anything if a genuine person crosses your path. Give your new love time to grow in a healthy manner and appreciate every loving moment you experience from this day forward.


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