Dreams of Being Rescued

Celia in Williston, Florida writes:

I have dreams about falling down a hill and finding myself in a faraway land with kings and queens. There is always this guy who saves me. He is tall, dark, and handsome and happens to be my ex. I was wondering why I have dreams about him because I haven’t seen him in over five years. Can you tell me what this means?

Cortney responds:

Hello Celia,

Dreams of being rescued by your ex would certainly be confusing! He is obviously still in your consciousness. I suspect there’s a quality in him or in your past relationship that you’re craving now. Falling downhill is a clue. Is there some part of your life that you’re unhappy with? Perhaps it’s something that feels beyond your control, and you need some help (from a partner?) in handling it. Being in a faraway land may reveal a sense of being out of your comfort zone, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You may be developing new skills that feel “foreign” to you now.

Or it could be that your desire for the ultimate relationship (Mr. TD&H) is producing a fear that you’ll only be disappointed when this paragon of manhood arrives, similar to what happened with your ex. The faraway land with kings and queens sounds like a fairy tale, which might mean you have unrealistic expectations concerning a partner. Or perhaps your expectations are too low and you need to reach higher. Getting clear about what you want in a partner will help you manifest a compatible relationship.

Sweet dreams,


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