4 Ways to Visualize What You Want and How to Make it Happen

4 Ways to Visualize What You Want and How to Make It Happen | California Psychics

What is Visualization?

Visualization takes many forms. Sometimes it’s as simple as daydreaming, sometimes it’s a pile of to-do lists, and other times it’s conversations with loved ones, chatting about what your ideal future will look like. As humans, we spend a lot of time imagining, envisioning, and contemplating the future.

So, what is the difference between merely thinking about what you want, and working toward the spiritual manifestation of that goal? Our minds are wonderful, nebulous things that are constantly working to process information, both internal and external. It’s a lot of work, and it can be confusing. This is why sometimes your dreams are simply a jumble of all the things you worried about during the week. For example, you have to go on stage to sing a song you don’t know, in a church you don’t belong to, with a screaming baby you are also somehow supposed to silence? What is that about?

As someone who has struggled with nightmares since childhood, some of the tools I have applied to lucid dreaming and limiting nightmares seem relevant here. The more you focus on something when you’re awake, the more your mind will focus on it when you’re not awake.

Visualization vs. Manifestation

Visualization and manifestation work similarly. Prayer, The Secret, the law of attraction, all of these focus on visualization and manifestation. When we call on both the power of our own mind and body and align that with the cosmic boost that comes from surrendering to the power of the Universe, amazing things begin to happen.

How to Practice Visualization

The first thing you need to do is be clear with both yourself and the Universe. If you don’t know what you want, you can’t work on getting what you want.

Write it Down

Get a journal or start a document that is just for your goals. Think long term. Where do you want to be in five years? How much money do you want to have? What kind of relationship do you want to be in?

Speak Your Goals Aloud

Declare what you want and talk about it. Say it to yourself, your pets, your partner, your family. Make it part of your daily routine, your energy, let others know that you’re focused. The more you build it up, the stronger it becomes.

Make a Vision Board

Vision boards can be digital or physical. You can cut images out of magazines or print them to put on your wall or fridge to remind you of what you should be focusing on. Seeing physical images can help a lot. Maybe it’s the kind of home you want to live in, or the kind of partner you want, or the type of person you want to be.

Picture What You Want

This is where the visualization becomes different from daydreaming. Instead of letting your mind run off in any direction it wants to, negative or positive, redirect your thoughts to something specific. Imagine your bank account with the amount of money you wish were in there. Picture opening your closet to see the type of clothes you want to wear. Picture the kind of person who would balance you out and truly make you happy, instead of whoever was the hottest on TV that week.

How to Make it Happen

Start small. Hopefully, all of the steps you took to declare what you want in the future have helped solidify this idea in your mind. Once you know where you want to be down the road, it’s easier to see where to make changes. This is the time to set reasonable goals. If you’ve been focused on money, do a little math to see what path would put you where you want to be and when. Whether it’s losing weight, reading more books, or moving across the globe, this is the time to take your vision from purely spiritual, and begin to do the earthly work as well.

Once you have an idea of the steps you can take, begin to take them. The more time and energy you can dedicate during the day to your goals, the quicker they will move along. Be sure to keep visualizing! The key here is not to move on, but to continue to enhance. As Rosabeth Moss Kanter said, “A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.”

Continue to Put in the Work

Even when it feels silly, or maybe even hopeless, it’s important to stick with it and put the work in. The more you focus on the changes you want to see, the more real they will feel, the more they will become a part of your integral self. Jennifer Baumgartner Psy.D. writes in Psychology Today, “Whether in therapy or in your everyday life, using visualization is an important tool to improve all areas. In addition to using mental rehearsals, vision boards, and representative objects…”

Stay Positive

As you work through your goals, remember that this isn’t a quick fix, but rather a spiritual and psychological tool that you can use to push yourself forward and get out of personal slumps with. Visualization works best when it becomes a constant companion, an attitude that says “I know I can,” and which gives you the courage to keep pushing forward.

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