Your Numerology Forecast: The Return of Rebellious Uranus

Numerology Forecast for March 7 through 13, 2011

This week’s big event is the return of rebellious Uranus to the warrior sign of Aries. We were introduced to this influence beginning the end of May through mid-August last year, so if you want to have a good idea whether and how this might affect you personally in the immediate future, think about what challenges and opportunities surfaced in May through August of last year.

Globally, events have been preparing us for what Uranus in individualistic Aries means since the first week in February, with the eruption of popular movements crying out for freedom and democracy. In broader terms, this astrological event can be compared to the firing of the second stage rocket of a vessel carrying us into the future. The first stage rocket fired in November 2008 with Pluto’s entry into Capricorn, the sign which rules governments, corporations and other social structures. The final blast in June of 2012 will power us into a future which was seeded with the 1960’s revolution in human rights.

The best way to make the most of Uranus’ lightning bolt of energy in the context of our solitary, intellectual 7 Universal Month is to imagine it amping up 7’s laser insights so powerfully that you can see beyond the constraints of gravity and atmosphere into a vision of the future that was impossible to access till now.

Monday – This Universal 5 Day is a bit at odds with the 7 Month’s vibes, but it is right in tune with the emerging Uranus-Aries energy which will blast forth Thursday. Hear your different drummer loud and clear.

Tuesday – Although the energy of this 6 Day is very sociable, in contrast to 7’s introverted tendencies, the two influences team up beautifully in their quest for knowledge and perfection.

Wednesday – 7 Days in a 7 Month can get a bit melancholy unless there’s something to widen the focus. Fortunately, mental Mercury’s meeting with blastoff Uranus just before it moves into action-oriented Aries today is just the ticket.

Thursday – This Universal 8 Day’s “take no prisoners” tendencies are softened by a very agreeable encounter between diplomatic Venus and big thinker Jupiter. You can get a lot done using diplomacy.

Friday – This is the day Uranus’ big shakeup is launched into driving-force Aries, where it will remain until 2019. Today’s humanitarian Universal 9 influence helps us understand that, rather than being personal, the changes heralded by Uranus are for the good of all.

Saturday – The entrepreneurial, startup energy of this Universal 1 Day knows just what to do with Friday’s emergence of changemaker Uranus. It’s time to rock and roll!

Sunday – The sensitive, visionary influence of this Master Number 11/2 (1+1=2) Day enhances the possibilities of a challenging meeting between messenger mental Mercury with deep, dark, transformational Pluto. In Greek mythology, Mercury was the messenger between Olympus and the Underworld, and today he carries messages from chaotic Uranus to Pluto.

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