Your Weekend Horoscope for January 17 – 19, 2014

Your Weekend Horoscope: Jump in or Jump off?

Thanks to the Virgo Moon’s emotional precision, we’re feeling as if we’re on the edge when it comes to romance. We’re asking ourselves if we should jump in or jump off. The Sun is also entering Aquarius, making communication slower and more dramatic. Your task this weekend is to prove that your love is real. In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, may there be peace and harmony in our personal lives and may they flow over with abundance. Here’s your Weekend Horoscope.


You’ve been living day-to-day for a while and it’s gotten you by… until now. It’s time to put on your thinking cap and be mindful of what you say and do. There are people who look up to you and if you show them how grateful you are you’ll build their character as well as your own.


Planning is right up your alley, according to your Weekend Horoscope. This weekend, outline your most important events and activities. Then make your list for the week ahead. You’re on your way to smooth sailing.


Work has been so busy that you’re happy to have a three-day weekend. Clear you calendar and plan a few “me” days. You need it, so don’t fight it. There is a lot to do, but if you’re not feeling whole, you’ll fall short of accomplishing all your tasks.


Speak your mind, but do it carefully. You don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea or misunderstand your intentions. Logic blends well with your emotions, giving way to creative conversations and enlightening advice.


You are sexy and you know it… and so do others! They’re giving you the attention you’ve been wanting and you’re eating it up. Enjoy the fun and frolic! The words and passions in you reach new heights.


You may be stressed out from your new lifestyle, but it’s only temporary. As you evolve, success embraces you and moving forward will feel like gliding. Just watch out for sharp objects and be sure to give your relationship more attention. Somehow, these two things connect….


Jealousy is an energy you do not like to deal with, yet you are confronted with it and must say what you will to clear the air. Understanding the situation is vital to everyone and you are the best person for the job.


Being loud will get you nowhere—it’s not the volume that gets attention, but the words of wisdom you have acquired from your intellectual connections. Stand strong on your principals; wavier not and you will be heard.


You always manage to put flavor and fun into gatherings at your home. Your Weekend Horoscope calls for you to open up your doors with the fire burning and fresh baked goodies puts everyone in a good mood. Your warmth and loving ways pave the way for ongoing good times.


It’s now or never—getting up and doing a little exercise will motivate you to work on yourself and your eating habits. Let’s face it, goatfish love to eat, but it is about the choices made. Enjoy your newfound energy as you work your way to a better place.


Happy Birthday, Aquarius! Friends gather at your favorite restaurant to wish you good cheer. There are presents along with entertainment and you feel the love. Getting older is a blessing you take to heart, and no matter how old you get you will always be beautiful.


Plans made fall through, leaving you to your own druthers. What a relief! Now you have freedom all weekend to do as you please. Getting out for a drive suits you but you need a destination. Call an old friend—they will be happy to hear from you and see you as well.

35 thoughts on “Your Weekend Horoscope for January 17 – 19, 2014

  1. t-bird

    Thanks so much for your response! I mentioned jealousy because that was in his weekend horoscope, and I believe that he isn’t spending as much time with that girl as they portray on Facebook so she may be wondering about him. According to what I’ve been told, he’s being very superficial in that relationship. I was thinking of writing another note to him just now, but you saved me from that. Thanks again.

  2. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    HI – creshia January 17, 2014 at 7:28 pm
    I have been waiting for a man that I think I’m in love with for 4 years I was born 8-10-1966 he 12-17-1972. Will he persue me in 2014 or shall I move on.

    this year 1/31/14 we enter into the year of the horse. it is your year. empower yourself by surrounding yourself with wonderful people that want to be with you NOW.
    keep it moving forward.

  3. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    HI – t-bird January 18, 2014 at 7:27 am
    Hi Quinn, I enjoy reading your predictions. I’m a Leo and have hoped to hear from a Libra guy for 2 years who I had a misunderstanding with, and I’ve written notes occasionally but haven’t heard from him. Several psychics told me he’ll be back, but the timing has gone on so long that I’m trying to get him out of my mind. One of them told me that no reply can be a good thing. What do you feel about this? He was involved with a girl and I’m wondering if he’s dealing with some difficulties (jealousy?). Thanks!

    ANSWER – until he is not involved with the girl go out and enjoy your life. there is no jealousy going on, on his side. let’s face it the other woman is always the one with difficulties and problems.
    it is also hard to get a loved one out of your head. so stop trying – in time memories become distant clouds – don’t let those memories rain on you in the moment –

  4. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    HI – Tonya January 18, 2014 at 9:37 am
    Hi, Quinn I’ve been divorced for five years, I’m a minister and I would love to marry someone outside of my race and live abroad, will this happen?

    ANSWER – how blessed to be living in this day and age where we can shop for the perfect mate via computer –
    I am a firm believer in what you tell the universe you want you will get.
    wave to me from abroad with your new partner.

  5. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    thank you for your posts…
    you need to count your blessings instead of looking at what you don’t have.

    a card, homemade or bought, a phone call – text message – will make her smile. after Venus goes direct the vibrations of love change. look for a forward motion and the ability to talk in Februry.
    I wish you the best.

  6. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    HI -Shawn January 19, 2014 at 2:18 pm
    Im so distraught. I have to let go because its the right thing to do. I feel like ill be losing my best friend and rightful soul mate. It will be a year that we have been seeing each other. I need help. It hurts to think of letting go. I am a Leo and Ihave never in life been involved with a married! Somehow ive become entangled with the most beautiful, caring, nurturing, married Cancer man. He has all the qualities ive searched for for a lifetime.

    ANSWER – it feels so good to love another. if you open your life to other men who are single there will be a man with the qualities you like without the drama of a wife in the background.
    letting go does not mean you will lose anything, it will just free your hands up to hold more.

  7. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    HI – Maggie January 19, 2014 at 4:01 pm
    My husband never says ‘ I love you too whenever I say I love him’ it annoys me when he says ‘thanks for loving me or it is good to know that there is someone out there who loves me!!’ He was born on 01/11/69.However,He is always there to help me when i need help… does he really love me or is it a marriage of convenience? Please advise

    ANSWER –
    your husband is not a parrot – give him a break… he would not be married to you if he did not love you. he is to strong a man for that.
    stop telling him you love him and show it. maybe he is a better shower than say-er.
    he is not going anywhere so love him as he is, or leave him for a person who repeats your words.

  8. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    HI – Kim January 21, 2014 at 12:00 am
    I’m in a new relationship things were going great for 2 months then his ex started causing problems and threatening to keep his son away if he didn’t stop seeing me. Things have slowed down a lot but I feel like our love was real . Should I forget him or trust him ?

    ANSWER –
    it is not him you cannot trust but the ex – let him work out his own problems, stay out of it and let it be what it will.
    his problems – he will find a solution that befits your needs and not slip away. look for a forward surge in februay.

  9. Kim

    I’m in a new relationship things were going great for 2 months then his ex started causing problems and threatening to keep his son away if he didn’t stop seeing me. Things have slowed down a lot but I feel like our love was real . Should I forget him or trust him ?

  10. Maggie

    My husband never says ‘ I love you too whenever I say I love him’ it annoys me when he says ‘thanks for loving me or it is good to know that there is someone out there who loves me!!’ He was born on 01/11/69.However,He is always there to help me when i need help… does he really love me or is it a marriage of convenience?Please advise

  11. Maggie

    My husband never says ‘ I love you too whenever I say I love him’ it annoys me when he says ‘thanks for loving me or it is good to know that there is someone out there who loves me!!’ He is sleays there to help me when i need help… does he really live me ?Please advise

  12. Shawn

    Im so distraught. I have to let go because its the right thing to do. I feel like ill be losing my best friend and rightful soul mate. It will be a year that we have been seeing each other. I need help. It hurts to think of letting go. I am a Leo and Ihave never in life been involved with a married! Somehow ive become entangled with the most beautiful, caring, nurturing, married Cancer man. He has all the qualities ive searched for for a lifetime.

  13. kathie

    Cindy, find your own man and not one that has promised another to love and be loyal and committed. You both are destroying another’s self-esteem, belief system, family, and dreams. Is it really worth the momentary satisfaction considering the destruction you are causing?

  14. John R

    Like I mentioned in my first blog her birthday’s coming up on the 22nd and I have just enough to get her card but all the house bills are paid on everything is paid for just note next to my leftover until my next paycheck we’re supposed to spend your birthday together and I have enough to get her the card should I go and spend more time with her or should I just walk away is this ever going to work

  15. John R

    If I had five dollars I have $11 to my name right now if I had five dollars I would spend all five just to get some sort of insight with her me and my girl I ever going to see Ida I again

  16. John R

    I got to tell you this is not easy on me lately at all. Ever since me and my lady had our stillbirth child July 11 of last year and this turned bad we went separate ways kind of, with relationship she’s rent a room from some family and has fancy the guy living there. We see each other every day after before work sometimes we go to lunch before she goes to work and we spent time at her mothers house just to get away together. We talk and make great plans .. Back together we try to talk about it but it never actually happens there’s been two different occasions. Her birthday is January 22 and mine is February 26,,,, we’ve been together five years this February. Somehow or another I don’t think the forces are helping us but as I read my horoscope every day give me hope that she is coming back and we are going to work it out together here sometime soon but I could be wrong who knows these things sometimes I don’t know if they really are true or not I often wonder though I’d like to know my future..

  17. Tonya

    Hi, Quinn I’ve been divorced for five years, I’m a minister and I would love to marry someone outside of my race and live abroad, will this happen?

  18. t-bird

    Hi Quinn, I enjoy reading your predictions. I’m a Leo and have hoped to hear from a Libra guy for 2 years who I had a misunderstanding with, and I’ve written notes occasionally but haven’t heard from him. Several psychics told me he’ll be back, but the timing has gone on so long that I’m trying to get him out of my mind. One of them told me that no reply can be a good thing. What do you feel about this? He was involved with a girl and I’m wondering if he’s dealing with some difficulties (jealousy?). Thanks!

  19. creshia

    I have been waiting for a man that I think I’m in love with for 4 years I was born 8-10-1966 he 12-17-1972. Will he persue me in 2014 or shall I move on.

  20. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    hi cindy,
    it is never a waste of time feeling good about someone and exchanging those vibrations.
    understand however that he is married and that leaves you in a position that you sound uncomfortable with. limits and boundaries need to be in place so that you feel comfortable. having a fling is fine if you are both inclined to do so without expectations. take care of your feelings first.
    have a great weekend.

  21. Cindy

    I am a virgo, 9/14. I’ve been having a flirtation with my married co-worker who is a capricorn, 01/12. We text and talk alot and we both light up like christmas lights when we see each other, with big shy smiles on both our faces. I’m really crazy about him though and I worry that I might be just a fling. Am I wasting my time? Thank you!

  22. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    Fateemah –
    I am 03/04/80 in love with a man 15/03/72 though he always say how much he loves me and want to have family with me but never say a word about marriage. pls I need advice

    advice… ask him what his intentions are. if he wants to be married or just have kids?

    sometimes honesty is the best way to go. wait until the end of this month to ask, so you can move forward with him.
    have a great weekend,

  23. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    dear betty,
    he seems to think your heart is a revolving door. sounds you need a different door one with a lock.
    it is up to you how many times you will spin in the door with him.
    all the best,

  24. Fateemah

    I am 03/04/80 in love with a man 15/03/72 though he always say how much he loves me and want to have family with me but never say a word about marriage. pls I need advice

  25. betty

    I married this man dec 30 2013 his name is Michael. he is 57. he left with in 2 weeks after we married . came back in 2 days left again gone a few days came back. left dec 30 I have not heard from him since. will he be back . are should I for get it.

  26. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    hi Vicky,
    getting mixed messages is a good thing. no message bad… message good.
    really, as long as the door is open at any moment the tides can change.
    1/31 is the end of the Venus retrograde. this has been holding up lots of make-ups –
    hang in there the planet of love will be moving forward and February should be a good month. in the mean time, take care of you, don’t worry and keep the communication going as best as you can.
    happy weekend.

  27. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    hi – Toots –
    I enjoy your writing,
    >>>thank you very much<<>>both the Scorpio and Leo are fixed signs… the Cancer is the energy you have that is the driving force rounding out and balancing your seeking spirit<<<

    But a friendship, significant other or mate hasn’t been in my cards
    <<<we need to really take a look at your cards – Scorpio is the tarot card of death – Leo is strength and Cancer is the chariot – put that together and what happens is the Scorpio keeps ending things and being a water sign buts out the passionate fire of the Leo… that Cancer keeps wanting and moving you forward. understanding the interaction of the signs and the meaning of the cards helps to put it together so you can unblock this problem.<<>>full moons light the way even in the darkest emotional places. if you get a reading I am sure there will be keys to unlock what is holding you back.<<<
    also on a side note. get out more…
    have a great weekend.

  28. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    hi Sonia, Howard, Sally Ann –
    thank you all for your kind words and support.
    have a wonderful weekend…

  29. jorge

    i am in the middle of taking a decision for one person who loves me or another whom i far away and the other one so near.. who is my soul mate?

  30. vicky


  31. Toots

    I enjoy your writing, being a Scorpio with Leo and Cancer, I’m always researching and looking toward the future. But a friendship, significant other or mate hasn’t been in my cards no matter how often or how full the moon is? Any advice?


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