Blossom Into Summer With the Flower Moon

May 17, 2001’s Full Moon

Every civilization that has been tuned in to the patterns of nature, the moon, stars, and the seasons of the Earth has witnessed a different energy to each full moon of the year. On May 17, 2011 at 4:09 a.m. PST, we will have a “Flower Moon.” By tuning in to the energies around the magnetic pull and frequency that’s strongest now, you can use that energy to move things along in your own life and spiritual path!

We’ve had a Storm Moon in March, Wind Moon in April, and now the Flower Moon (also known as the Hare Moon or Seed Moon). The storms prepared the ground, the wind blew down the seeds, and now the flowers have begun to come up! This is the cycle for nature, and we can use this energy to transform ourselves as well. The Flower Moon and May Day energies bring spring fully into our lives. This is a time of great fertility, lust, and passion, and the changes in your life can be dramatic if you can harness the inspiration to take action! Examine how you desire to “grow” in your life, and strive to nurture that development.

Now is a great time to put new energy into creating a new career, going for a degree, or to get out there and look for love! Do you need a new place to live? A new car? If you are in a relationship already, this is the time of year to bring new passion and sensuality back to the bedroom! It’s a time for things to bloom and grow, and for all things on earth to renew.

My yearly process begins with starting some seedlings a few days or weeks before the Flower Moon, or you can go and buy some flowers, trees or plants. Now get your hands in the soil, get dirty, and enjoy the smell and feel of the earth. You can print your desires onto biodegradable paper, like natural parchment or natural coffee filters, and plant them down under flowers. Or you can chant or sing about those things you want to grow in your life as you work. Since May is a fire month, imagine being inspired to take action, and seeing clearly how to take action to create this new thing.

The night before, you can make foods with mint or cinnamon to celebrate, and as you eat them, close your eyes and thank the Flower Moon energies for bringing this new growth into your life. An attitude of gratitude attracts success! Keep the images of what you desire in your mind’s eye through your meditation.

These moons can help you to seriously move energy forward in your life, kind of like a clock set to remind you to take action once a month. Blessings to you on your journey!

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