Your Weekend Forecast for October 5 – 7, 2012

Tune Into Yin-Yang Energy

We’re in tune with the yin-yang energy as the first weekend of October starts us off with a Gemini Moon turning into Cancer Saturday late afternoon. There is the love of communications, and then a great boost to our sex lives as the Cancer Moon wraps itself around the loving Libra/Venus vibrations manufacturing harmony and musical notes of splendor.

Columbus Day adds a bit of extra time with those you love. Three-day weekends are always fun for shopping, gathering with family and taking to your favorite activities.


Finding yourself thinking out loud produces a new direction that your lover is very happy about. Finally, you’re able to open up and share a secret about yourself that you’ve been holding close to your heart as you waited for the right moment of balance.


Sharing the Venus spotlight makes you happy. It’s almost like having two birthday periods in one year. You’re fussed over, yet you always seem to give as good as you get. All the way around, it’s a good weekend for you as well as those you love.


Racing against the clock appears to put you behind, but someone loves you and adds a hand to the race bringing your projects home to the finish line on time with only a little sweat from the brow.


Feeling quite mushy and in the mood for long, loving nights makes this a weekend to remember. If you have a ring in your pocket or are waiting to get one, this very well could be it. Work has you bogged down; take a good break for the sake of love.


The fires are burning at full blast but calm down Saturday afternoon when you get to chill out. Not that you will, as family has you out and about for a little road trip. There will be some good eats at destinations unknown.


You feel right at home this weekend with the Mercury energy from the Gemini Moon. So let’s get down and talk about love. The more you swoon over your loved one, the more attention you will get back—making for lots of fun this weekend.


Could you be any happier than this right now at this very moment? You’re looking great and feeling fine. As you head out the door, double check to make sure you have everything you need—especially an extra pair of shoes.


Adding that new ring tone to your phone creates a stir at the restaurant. Although you don’t always enjoy being the center of attention, this weekend is an exception. You’re able to make yourself heard and this brings respect from those you love.


Making the most of the airy Friday gives you the energy to plow through the weekend. A steamy evening on Saturday night will keep you mellowed out on Sunday. Monday brings long, much-needed sleep and a relaxing day to prepare for the workweek ahead.


A sense of balance enhances your weekend right down to the final evening on Monday. It is one of those weekends where you wish it would never end. I can hear you saying, “How can it get any better than this?” Just wait and see how much progress you make now that the autumn is in full swing.


With so much to talk about and planning for a big event, and before the year is over, this three-day weekend gives you plenty of time to get the job organized. You enlist the help of a Capricorn friend who is best suited for keeping the organization up to speed. Winding the weekend down with a pitcher of your favorite drink, all is well for the Aquarius.


Your latest work of art or music is ready to be seen or heard. You have been very astute in your advancement of your creative abilities, and this weekend with its added day lends itself to you with open arms. Making a big splash in any venue is meant to be. Enjoy! Those you share with certainly will.

23 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for October 5 – 7, 2012

  1. Patrice

    I am looking for an answer. I was born Oct. 23, 1942. I”m in the stage of life where I should at least be able to sit back and relax now and then, but that is a pipe dream. My life is still just as big of a nightmare and difficult as ever. I’m just too worn out to keep fighting it. Does anyone out there feel as though they are connecting with me to give me an answer. Thank you, Patrice

  2. Sam

    I am going through bad phase in marriage. I live my husband but feel he has never made me feel special or loved..

    Can I be happy in marriage?

  3. -quinn ext.5484

    hi annie,
    don’t ya wish is was as easy as a bubble bath and a glass of wine, a good nite sleep.
    good advice – and the beginning of healing a broken heart.
    you must be a very strong gal.

  4. -quinn ext.5484

    hi MJK –
    allowing yourself to be overwhelmed to the point of losing focus on what is most important in your life is a sign the person you are with might not be the best choice of mate.
    if you do not talk there really is no place to heal right now. maybe in the future he will talk to you and than you can work it out.
    in the mean time don’t wait – date…

    mjk October 6, 2012 at 2:31 am
    i am tense coz of my relation i cnt concentrate from like past 1 nd half month we guys dnt talk he switched of his number we guys didnt break up bt i dnt knw y he is talking 2 me he is gemni and i am cancer help me

  5. -quinn ext.5484

    hi tammy –
    just letting go emotionally is not always easy to do especially if you have more invested in him than you think he has in you. bothering to do the work is to have a clear path moving forward. what outcome are you looking for? do you want the relationship? is loving him enough for you? if you can answer these questions honestly for your own heart you will do what is best for you.
    bother to get your happiness – that is what is most important.

    tammy October 5, 2012 at 7:22 pm
    I want to know should I just emotionally let go of my relationship? I feel more vested than him anyway. So why bother?

  6. -quinn ext.5484

    dear adrienne – thank you for your question/comment
    being married w/feelings for another is not a comfortable place to be. work on the marriage if you love your husband, if you are not happy in the marriage than move on to happiness. not another man per say but happiness.

    Adrienne October 5, 2012 at 6:40 pm
    Hi I’am married an I have a lot of feelings for someone else! Will my marriage last? Or is the guy I’m talking too who I should be with?

  7. mjk

    i am tense coz of my relation i cnt concentrate from like past 1 nd half month we guys dnt talk he switched of his number we guys didnt break up bt i dnt knw y he is talking 2 me he is gemni and i am cancer help me

  8. tammy

    I want to know should I just emotionally let go of my relationship? I feel more vested than him anyway. So why bother?

  9. Adrienne

    Hi I’am married an I have a lot of feelings for someone else! Will my marriage last? Or is the guy I’m talking too who I should be with?

  10. annie



  11. Pdee

    He dumped me and is now acting like we are each other’s best friend. I’m trying to move on, but he keeps calling. What is going on?

  12. -quinn ext.5484

    hi Kristine,
    before you walk out get another job. slow getting money is better than not getting money.
    have faith. you can do this…
    live in the moment and think positive.

  13. -quinn ext.5484

    hi nancy,
    people leave relationships for all kinds of reasons. knowing the reason does not take the pain away. only gives cause to the break-up.
    perhaps he was being kind by just walking away, or selfish, or lacked the grace to share his thoughts.
    now it is time for you to move forward.
    have a great weekend.

  14. Kristine M. Lesher

    My boss keeps lyeing to me and never pays on time he has no money he says, he is Narcissistic. What can I do?? It takes 3 weeks to get anyghing back from unemployment. I am bankrupt and need to feed myself and my 2 kitties

  15. -quinn ext.5484

    hi rebecca,
    i hope you have a lovely weekend. at this time we do not have email readings in place. we only do phone readings.
    thank you so much for your comment.

  16. blackie

    Well it looks these guys has down pretty good same old bad luck. Thank you for telling the truth. tuth will set us free.

  17. Nancy

    In my mind I want to believe what other astrologist have told me but right now I don’t see, I have been apart from my boyfriend for several months,miss him so much and want him back, I don’t understand the reason for him walking away, no other woman according to his niece( she lives with him) she says he love me so much but she can’t understand his reasons for ending our relationship. Maybe there is no answer!

  18. rebecca

    do you thiink i will get rich if so tell me how will i get rich i ask an other psychic this they never toll me they never e-mail me back so what do you think when i reach that point were i am rich you will be rich to i am a person of my word thank you so e-mail me back i think you are good in your work being an psychic


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