Ask Your Spirit Guide

I have been working on a personal business while I am still fully employed as a consultant. For the last several years I have had some moments of despair… as many of the psychics I have consulted have told me that success is a short way out (months). Although, I have to admit, I have not spent much time on my personal business (my husband has been doing more), I just don’t have the energy for both. I have to keep my consulting job – it’s the only steady income we have. I need to infuse energy into my soul and life… what are my spirit guides saying about this and who are they? I need their help more than ever to navigate my way this year. I do believe what I am doing now, is definitely part of my life path – can they help to confirm or deny that also?

Exhausted in California

Dear Claire,

Four guides came forward to talk to me, telling me that their areas of focus are so closely intertwined that they have been working as a team for several years now.

The two guides who are focused on your personal business are young, fit-looking, energetic and enthusiastic, pure positive energy dying for an opportunity to expand and grow. One is male, one is female, and they don’t seem to care much about names, because when I asked they threw out several silly pairs of names

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