A Ghost Saves a Life

I am a psychic … and a film producer. My newest work was also being turned into a Broadway play –- needless to say, I have a busy schedule. I needed to be in New York City on February 10, 2009. My associates and I left for San Francisco airport on February 8, taking the Newark/Continental flight to NYC.

The flight there was great — first class, sunny skies, smooth. We stayed at the Algonquin Hotel in NYC where there are a lot of ghosts there — Dorothy Parker, a writer in the 1920s, and her round table of writers and celebrities still hang out there. I can feel them, especially in the hotel rooms — a lot of great ideas come to me at that hotel.

The last evening I was there, I saw a ghost in my room — a woman in a walker. She sat at the edge of my bed and said, “Stay on course … go home, go straight home.”

Aunt Ann was in Buffalo at that time. I love her like a mother, since both of my parents died in a car accident. Aunt Ann said, “You cannot leave without seeing me. You are 3,000 miles away … I will fix you pasta.”  I was thinking about changing my flight schedule to visit her … but the old woman in the walker sat on my bed and said, “She’ll forgive you … go straight home.”

I was caught in a whirlwind of emotions, but I knew the ghost in the walker wouldn’t have come to me if there wasn’t a problem … so I called my aunt and told her I’d come see her next time I was in NYC. She cried and said in Italian, “I’ll be dead then.” I felt awful –- at the time, she was very ill and didn’t end up speaking to me for six months.
As I was checking out of the hotel, the old lady in the walker waved goodbye and said, “I’ll see you next time.” I always stay at the Algonquin, but this is the first time I had seen the lady in the walker.

As soon as we entered the airport, I felt an explosion, people screaming, metal crunching. My associates watched me sweat and run to the ladies room. I had a premonition. I knew something was wrong — everything was wrong.

I remembered the old lady’s words, “Go straight home.” I got on the plane and I told my associate, “I feel something awful is going to happen.” Terrible thing to say to someone on a plane. On the way home, my associate took photos of the clouds, and we still have this one photo that looks like an old lady in a walker. The flight attendant asked to see it and showed it to the pilots … they were amazed. The flight home was terrifying, bumpy, and people were scared. I wasn’t as worried because I held onto the thought of the old woman and what she had said back at the hotel to me, “I’ll see you next time.” For me, I knew this was a good sign from my Spirit Guides.

After we landed, I told my associate that I felt death all around me — I felt the plane was going to crash. She knows that I’m a psychic and the next day she called me and said, “The plane crashed. What you felt happened, turn the news on.” The same flight we were just on crashed the very next day in Buffalo. There had been ice on the wing, and everyone on board had died. It was the flight that I was going to take to see my aunt in Buffalo. The old woman in the walker, the ghost I saw in the Algonquin, she helped me save my life …

18 thoughts on “A Ghost Saves a Life

  1. Pingback: Is There a Spirit in My House? | California Psychics Blog

  2. Pingback: Scientific Proof of Ghosts? | California Psychics Blog

  3. Pingback: The Ghost in Gaga | California Psychics Blog

  4. Pingback: The House on Roland Road | California Psychics Blog

  5. Donna Frangona

    My Dearest Nevaeh,
    Hi! I read your beautiful story. I am Italian my self and a devoted Roman Catholic. I believe that Our Lord looks out for us He sends angles from beyond and when He dosen’t want you He will not take your life. I am a bit of a Medium my self. I see my family who crossed over they tell me they are all right. And Pittsburgh had a really bad snow fall I was working night and did not finish till 10pm the roads where all ready in snow about 5inches on grounds. I was about ready to get in my car and try to drive it I felt a hand pull me back and something said in my mind wait. My cell rang it was my sister she told me to leave my car there and my brother in law is comming to get me. So when He wants you we leave when He dosen’t you stay. God is the boss and what he says goes.
    God Bless you.
    Donna from Pittsburgh.

  6. garycolinnjGary Colin


    I believe that the older woman in the walker was some form of your Aunt who has dementia. That’s why you never saw the old woman before. Your Aunt’s Higher Self came to you to warn you, but also to show you the Awareness of the otherside. That really is Amazing Love. The phsyical woman loved you and wanted to see you, but her Psychic side (Higher Self) warned you to return home. I’ve also had many supernatural experiences with a friend who died, but came back (in a beautiful white floating light) the clouds, the moon, and weather.

    By the way, does anyone know why “ghosts” hang out in hotels and motels? I understand why they might want to hang out in abandoned buildings and closed medical (or psychiatric) wards, but why would they want to hang out in hotels?

  7. Sharon

    I love hearing stories like this. I had a close call when I was 15, I lived in Taiwan and was swimming with two friends at a picnic. The three of us got caught up in a swiling under tow, we could not get out of it and screamed for help. Everyone on shore ignored us until finally a brother of one of the girls swam out to help us. He grabbed me first and not only pulled me out, but held me up in his hand and threw me like a football all the way to shore. Then saved the other girls as well. I knew then some unseen force was presant and gave him the strength to throw me like he did. It was then I first began believing in angels.

  8. Mark Dillon

    These are amazing stories and good reminders that we have angels watching over us constantly. When I was a young boy I remember a group of us used to get onto the back of a coal lorry and get a likt out the road. The lorry was big and was always half empty when we got on, so we used to climb up along the full bags to look over the top edge.I remember doing this and as we approached a bridge I remberfeeling a hand on my shoulder pulling me down as we went under the bridge,yet I could see all my friends below me.I don’t know to this day where the hand came from,I only know that I would have lost my head(literally) if it hadn’t pulled me down at that moment.That was about forty years ago but I remember it like yesterday,and I just know it was my angels looking after me.

  9. WW

    I had a similar experience in 1979 flying out of LA. I was suppose to start a new job on that Monday but that meant I had to fly to Chicago and then to Detroit. Instead I called my new boss and told him that I was flying non-stop from LA to Detroit on Monday. He was upset and told me that I could start my new job a week later. That flight had I taken it crashed on take off in Chicago killing all passengers on board. Mine was just a feeling. You are meant to be here.

  10. Yas

    What a chilling story. You are very blessed to have received that message. Maybe the next time I have a little voice speaking to me, I will give it a second listen.

  11. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Great story, Lucrecia….funny too !!!!!

    Your Grandma sounds like my Great Aunt & Grandma…..telling a spirit to settle down and stop it ! LOL

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  12. Miss Krystal ext. 9192

    What an interesting story. Thanks for sharing.
    About 20 years ago, when I was in college, I went with a group of girls up north, to Reno, Nevada. We stayed in a hotel. We went walking one night and the girls were being silly. Nobody was paying attention. But I was….Well, I looked behind us, and from a distance, was a man that was following us for several blocks. My guides told me not to tell the girls at that point because it could be dangerous. We were about to go into the hotel, and I knew, if he continued to follow us into the hotel, after following us for many blocks, that he was dangerous and we were his target…..Sure enough, we were about to get on the elevator, and low and behold, here he comes….I grabbed the girls, and pushed them out of the elevator….As the elevator doors were closing, I looked at the man as he was still in the elevator, and he was shocked…..He knew that I was onto it…I then told the girls, someone is following us and we ran into the casino. I had told them the entire story…They hugged me and thanked me….This all happened so quickly. We then told a security person at the casino, and within a couple minutes, we the man get off the elevator, and leave the hotel quickly….Talk about proof? He was not staying there and it was clear…The girls were really upset and spooked…But grateful that I handled it the way I did….

    I will never ever forget that for as long as I live…I always tell my friends daughters the story…..My guides were with us….Thank God…
    Miss Krystal

    Miss Krystal

  13. Neesh

    wow!! that’s really creepy!! :/ like it’s cool that the ghost saved you and all but still, weird!!! oh and guess what?! my birthday is on february the tenth 🙂

  14. Nevaeh

    You’re right it was difficult-my aunt was always a believer in the paranormal-she is ill now and has dementia…
    Many people died in that plane crash-and I learned later that the senior pilot did not listen to the junior co pilot (black box conversations)…and I’m blessed I listened to the senior (my guide) in the walker-as I have much more to do on this earth…
    Thank you for your feedback,

  15. Abigail Ext 9570

    What an amazing story! I loved reading about how we are protected and how you listened even though you had pressure not to. You stayed the course. I applaud you.

    Many Blessings


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