• Spirituality

Reaching Out

It's no secret that helping others is a good thing to do. It's an act of kindness that repays itself in the look of appreciation in someone's face after you've lightened their load. But have you thought ... read more

Spirituality and Manners

Good manners will get you far - at least that's what the etiquette books say - but will it bring you enhanced spirituality? Will refraining from belching, cursing or kissing in public bring you closer to ... read more

4 Planets in Pisces

A Pisces quartet revs up sexy fantasies, spiritual activities, artistry and intuition throughout March 2009. The Sun and Uranus are currently in Pisces, which heighten creativity, spontaneity and ... read more

Sacred Unions

If you want to foster a deeper and more satisfying connection with your lover - one that will fan the flames for years to come and bring you closer than you thought possible, the secret isn't sexy ... read more

The 12 Days of Gratitude

Our California Psychics believe that living with gratitude makes life, richer, fuller and much more abundant. Hence, in the spirit of giving and receiving, we're celebrating the 12 days "before" Christmas ... read more

Spotlight on Sagittarius

Get ready to party as we make our way through fun-loving Sagittarius from November 21 - December 20, 2008. Sagittarius energy inspires optimism, freedom and generosity. But it's not just about fun - this ... read more

The Art of Non-Attachment

Many spiritual books and meditations these days talk about incorporating the Buddhist art of non-attachment into our everyday lives as a means of relieving stress. For some, this process may bring up ... read more

Neptune Goes Direct

Watery Neptune, residing in Airy Aquarius since January of 1998, entered its retrograde period on May 26, 2008, and will break its backward spin in the same sign on November 2, 2008. The effects of the ... read more
  • Uncategorized

When You Stray…

Cheating tends to be a very touchy subject, one about which most people have very firm theories and convictions. It is so easy in hypothetical conversation to make claims about what you would or would not ... read more
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